The view from our desks!

Meet Anne-Sophie Bradelle

Shana Getchell
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2014


New Business and Marketing Director at HAVAS Worldwide Paris

I was lucky enough to be placed in the New Business and Development group where I have two very inspiring coaches — Valerie Planchez (to be introduced in a later post) and Anne-Sophie Bradelle. As you can probably imagine finding ‘free time’ with the New Business Director isn’t easy (I have yet to see her at her desk for more than 20 minutes). However, yesterday I was lucky enough to steal an hour with Anne-Sophie and it was a pleasure. Listening to her talk about her role, her career and her life was one of my favorite Lofts experiences to date.

Anne-Sophie delivers on her New Business Director title in every way I can see. But to me, she left an even bigger impression. Anne-Sophie is a motivator, strategist, sales woman, journalist, politician, peace maker, friendly face, mom, advice giver, culture lover, people lover, travel lover. She’s a hip French woman with an amazing command of the English language and lucky for me she is not bashful about it. Anne-Sophie is grounded and really someone you want to know. If you can, make it a point to try and steal an hour with her — or even a quick coffee. You’ll be so glad you did.

Time with HAVAS Worldwide Paris — 7 years.

Time as New Business and Marketing Director — 7 months

Can you summarize your role? I am in charge of new business for HAVAS Paris, plus the public image of the HAVAS Paris Village. There are basically 3 parts to my role, (1) bring in new business and clients to the Agency, (2) help business development with the integrated model — organic growth, (3) promote the marketing specialties of HAVAS Paris.

What do you love about your job? What’s your favorite part? Being at the hub. I am responsible for knowing everything about the Agency, but being at the hub also means I have the opportunity to work with almost everyone. I basically need to be close to all that makes HAVAS Paris so special.

Who or what inspires you professionally? Reading, cinema, theatre… I try to be in contact with everything outside of the day-to-day work life. I need to be up on all the latest culture and art. And while this is part of my job, it’s a real pleasure for me to do these things. It’s part of my culture, how I was raised and a real source of inspiration for me.

What does marketing/communication look like in 2050? Watching how my 3 year old boy consume media shows me that we’ll have to re-think communication totally. Forced content and TV will be out. People will need a real choice. People will have too much information and because of that we’ll need to be really smart with our choices. Brand content will be key.

What advice do you have for someone coming to work in France for a month? You have to be patient. Once people get to know you, they warm up. And once they do that, they are very loyal. If you make a friend in Paris, you’ll have them. {I wish I had asked her this my 1st week here!!}

Why HAVAS Paris for you? The people! I feel very strong by what I have learned here. The people are so talented. The topics vary greatly; one day is very different from the next and with that, we have such a high level of expertise. I am never bored.

If you were to spend one month in another country, where would you want it to be? Why? Istanbul, Turkey! It has such an amazing energy. Things are happening there — it’s young, lively, there is still a lot to fight for. It’s a beautiful city, ‘divine’.

What is your favorite thing to do in Paris? Walking around with my 3 year old boy, wondering around parks and museums. I feel like I can ‘feed’ him so much with everything Paris has to offer.

What is your proudest moment of your career? Winning the European Commission — it was my 1st win as the New Business Director. When I got the email that we won, I was most excited to share the news with the team.

Anne-Sophie — Thank you for hosting me on your team. It’s been a pleasure working with you and I am hopeful our paths will cross again. Come visit New York soon!

