
Lindsey Bagg
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

This was an experience of a lifetime. I’m fortunate to have gone through the Lofts program, and now when I facilitate the experience for the next NY employee (since I’m in HR), I can actually speak from experience when guiding them through the process. I will just try to contain my excitement about it so not to frighten them.

Putting a face to a name. It really does make a difference.

4 weeks goes by in a flash, but the relationships I’ve built I know will be long lasting. Now when Pierre from the global comms team emails me about sending a communication to the NY office — he’s not just an unknown French name appearing at the top of my corporate inbox at 5:00 am EST (which I’m not entirely sure it was meant for me). He’s the welcoming guy sitting across from me who’s been graciously answering my questions when I poke my head above the computer screen. He’s the guy who I’ve been laughing with at the lunch table while sharing observations about French and American culture. Now when he emails, I’m sure everyone will get what they need in an efficient manner.

Now when I receive a mass email from Havas University about an online global learning course, I will give it the undivided attention it deserves. I know it’s coming from Mark and Dana who have poured countless hours into designing a learning program to benefit 20K+ employees.

Gratitude for my Havas Paris Team! Taken at the W Agency anniversary party photo both.


My time here has given me more gratitude for my colleagues near and far. The resources and programs that are available to us don’t just happen, they are created thoughtfully and by employees who care about making Havas a great place to work. The more we learn about the roles that our coworkers have, the more we can appreciate their place in our Havas ecosystem, work #bettertogether (sorry had to) and provide the best results for the company.

Throughout my residency here I’ve spent a significant amount of time in the Havas Paris Village, but also had the opportunity to visit BETC, Canal + and STATION F. The offerings and structure of each entity are different, but the common thread of each visit was the host’s dedication and enthusiasm for their job, and pride in their agency. Trust me, it wasn’t all sugar coated, but at the core, everyone is committed to making the place a little better. I am so thankful for the amount of time and effort they spent educating me and welcoming me into their world.

I am excited to share the unique office layout, perks, and training process that I learned from BETC, the extensive leadership development programs that were designed at Canal +, and the committed efforts of all of the agencies to CSR.

I had the lucky chance to step outside of my daily role and take a look at it from afar. I’ve learned a lot about myself, what I value, and how I can be a better collaborator both locally and globally.

I will be forever grateful to my boss for nominating me, the NY Talent team who handled my responsibilities while I was away, the Global Talent team who designed the program, my coach in Paris for welcoming me and building a framework for my stay, my Paris coworkers for including me and putting up with my American accent, and finally to Havas for supporting the Lofts program.


