More time for me. A whole month of it.

Aaron Miller
havas lofts
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2018


As I sit here and write this, I think back to my first few days here in Amsterdam. The fear of the unknown, a new commute, a new office, new co-workers, new clients, a new way of working, a new culture. Sounds pretty scary right?

I admit the first few days here were different to what I’m used to but was exactly what I needed. Time alone to reflect on my career, my approach to creativity, how I work and me as a person.

“A change is as good as a rest”

The experience has been amazing, and unlike anything I have experienced in the past. I feel honoured, privileged and proud to be involved in such a special programme. The investment in me as a person and my career development has been more beneficial than any book or training course. Plus it helps put Havas helia, Cirencester on the map. Literally. Everyone here at Lemz thought I was from Manchester, so spent numerous hours educating them to various cities and towns in the UK. My highlight is someone asking whether Blackpool was classed as South West.

My role as such doesn’t really exist here. There are obvious similarities between Havas helia and Havas Lemz, we both abide by the ethos of creating meaningful connections between brands and people. The difference is in our execution and how we go about finding the solution. It’s like comparing a cat to a dog. Both are very different in their characteristics, mannerisms and behaviour yet both are lovable pets.

I’m excited to return back to sunny Cirencester, England, and meet up with my team. Looking forward to hearing all about what they have been up to. Has the big web project finished yet? Has the app gone into development? Have we finally finished the building works?

I think one thing I’ve learned from Lemz is the approach to working with one another, the culture, the respect and the realisation that we are all people regardless of role or hierarchy. Take pride in our work, remember our roles and responsibilities. We often forget clients are people too. So let’s start treating them that way and break down the barriers.

To fully understand the brief, you must get under the skin of the underlying problem. More often than not you will discover the bigger issue but why paper over the cracks. Guiding the client in a transformation, improving and changing the business at the core. Working as a team, including a creative, planner and zone manager at the early stage ensures the solution will add up to a meaningful brand piece and thus have societal value and be an impactful, memorable campaign. As Tim, the Strategy Director said to me in one of our meeting last week, a holistic approach needs a holistic execution.

“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.”

I feel like living in a new city, working with new colleagues, new experiences, has changed me as a person. Yes it’s cliché but it’s much needed. I sat down with Esther, a Zone Manager here at Havas Lemz with a wealth of experience and knowledge and chatted with her about working life. Something that really stuck a chord with me was when we were talking about the structure and how the creative teams can be shuffled and moved from zone to zone at times, and she said:

“People need to be re-potted every once in a while”

I feel like my repotting into Dutch soil for the month is exactly what I needed. I feel more content being on my own, when’s the last time you were alone, without interruptions, the noise of daily life, the distraction of your mobile phone, friends, pets, family. I feel more focused, determined, understanding and aware of social issues and the impact we as individuals can have. Working flat out at such a high pace can be demanding mentally and physically, I feel in a really good headspace, ready to return home refreshed and utterly inspired to do good and make positive change. A huge thanks for my boss and leadership team for nominating me, everyone who has stepped up to cover me while I’ve been away and Havas Global Team for making it happen.

A big thank you to Sven Thierie for taking me under his Belgian wing for the month. Explaining the ins and outs of the creative work, putting up with my constant questioning and recommendations for things to do at the weekend. We are off to watch the football tonight, big game England vs Belgium.

Thank you to Willem (CEO), for being so accommodating and going out of his way to ensure I got the very best experience and most out of my time here, including doing the morning standup in English for the first time!

Powering me through the afternoon. Poffertjes sugar RUSH.

Thanks to Patrick, Robin and Peter for answering all of my questions, explaining more about Lemz life and taking me out for Poffertjes! Finally a thank you to everyone at Havas Lemz who have made me feel welcome, gone out of their way to help me, took me along to meetings (Highlight being asked along to a presentation at IKEA by Mirelle, Rein, Sander) and for taking time out of their day to sit down and to chat, inspire and help me develop as a person and as creative. Every single person has been so welcoming, friendly and accepting.

Going to miss cycling to work, sitting in the sunshine on the rooftop, the people, the architecture, the beer, the food, seeing parakeets and herons constantly, the relaxed yet dedicated approach to work, the culture, kroketten on a Thursday, walking around: getting lost and discovering exciting views, sitting by the canal dangling my legs over the edge, the respect for one another.

Amsterdam, you have left your mark on me. You truly are one of the best cities in the world. Living and working here has been life changing, being part of the Havas Loft’s programme is something I will never forget and I will cherish the memories.

See you again soon, Amsterdam.



Aaron Miller
havas lofts

Freelance illustrator & designer. Guinea pig owner, wanna-be pizza maker, gymgoer, fan of the seaside, Haribo munching, homemade sourdough baker ✏️💻