New York has it.

havas lofts
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2015

I could write about the museums, the food or the nightclubs.
I could talk about New York the-never-sleep city, Time Square, the subway or the hot dogs vendors. But i won’t. Because something is so compelling here in New York. The day light. Every single city i visited in my life has its own day light. Tokyo has it. San Francisco has it. Amsterdam has it.

As a matter of fact, here, something is special and specific with the day light. At the beginning i thought that the reason was the height and the reflecting material of the tall buildings. But in Harlem and Brooklyn, the light was still there, cold and lightly yellow at the same time, giving to every objects, cars or shapes a soft « modelé », gathering people in bullet-timed sceneries. That’s what gives this city its own poetry i guess, its own screenplay, its own staging, from brown-stone buildings to glass skyscrappers, from coastal landscapes to colored tree leafs.

I walked randomly for hours, and i was always along with New York day light. Like a companion showing me what to see. Like a friend telling me how to look at things the right way. Like a mentor teaching me the right perpsectives.

I have to come back (yeah bro!) to elucidate this mystery. No actually i dont’ want to. I want NYC to keep its secret, to make the magic work eveytime I’ll come back.

