Olá New York!

Carlos Frota Melo
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2018

It is real, I’m in New York! The Havas Lofts program brought me on a great adventure in the land of Uncle Sam. I’m in the city of the world, the one that never sleeps. It makes me anxious, nervous and have tummy tickles.

The truth is, we don’t have every opportunity in the world. With a few years working with brands, and many other years in Havas Media, the challenge to be in another city and another office was, from the first minute, ambitious. This program allows me to explore New York - professionally and culturally.

Havas New York


Since arriving in NY last Friday (October 19th), I already know a little about the city and the agency. During the next four weeks, us Lofters have a mentor and a team that help integrate us into all of the work of the new office, and we have the challenge of absorbing as much as possible in a totally different culture. My idea is simple, I want to meet new colleagues, projects and learn new concepts that will allow me to return to Lisbon with a different vision.

Havas Media New York


I’m Carlos aka Charlie in social media networks from Havas Media Lisbon (🇵🇹) and now I’m at New York. Actually I’m a (ninja) Coordinator Planner with all the powers you imagine 💥 What the most people don’t know is that I’m the real Peter Pan ✨ With this #HavasLofts program, beyond professional and personal experience, I want to take home knowledge to a new start of ME ⚡

I am fortunate enough to be in New York, which was my choice (if I had the opportunity to choose), and one of the challenges is sharing my day-by-day experience. Actually, you can follow my experience through my social networks (@charliecfm), in my blog and of course in the official Havas Lofts Blog — but also in Instagram and Twitter (#havaslofts).

But I have more … I’m going to “takeover” the Havas Instagram story for 24-hours on November 3rd. Stay tuned!

My New (York) Desk


So far, I see a few differences, but also some similarities between New York and Lisbon. Starting with the city: everything is flat, unlike Lisbon (we have 7 hills); There are much more taxis than in Lisbon (this is easy); No need to wait until 9pm or 1am to do something (very different from Portugal); Everything has a purpose and an uncomplicated way; Just think of your dream store … New York has it!

And about the agency … starting with the dimension … the reality is different. The schedule is similar to Lisbon, with the difference being that they have big buckets of coffee at all times (in Portugal we prefer shorter coffee). There is also a line for the elevators (mostly in prime time). The office is quieter, the phones don’t ring all the time, it has more meeting rooms and seems to have less stress — we Latinos like a good conversation and a good “Needed this Yesterday” — expression we use to make things urgent.

One thing I know for sure, this city welcomes all cultures. It’s a city of the world and I’m here! Thank you!

During the next week, I will have more details and adventures to tell. Will you follow?

Charlie New Yorker

Ahhhhhhhh …. I’m Sorry! I forgot something important! Focus!

When I visited the agency on Monday for the first time, I saw rooms and rooms, but also studios — some colleagues told me that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West used to come here often. They also said that in the neighborhood it is very common to see Bradley Cooper walking his dog, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel with their son and even Beyoncé and Jay-Z, who used to live in the apartment across from the building. After hearing this, my first thought was: I have to cancel all my meetings and training sessions! I want to hang out around here! Ahahah! Don’t you think it’s important?



Carlos Frota Melo
havas lofts

you think you know me, but you have no idea | #VidaDePublicitário | ninja coordinator @havas Lisbon advertising | marketing | social media