Lea Bellaiche
havas lofts
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2014


Don’t pretend you have never judge anyone because of his origins.

Everybody does that. It’s human.

We are all extremely patriot when our country’s culture is aimed, but the feeling of belonging to a specific area or to a community is much stronger. Take the French people for instance, I dare you to say to a real Parisian than living in the suburbs near Paris is being like him, or saying to a Corsica guy is French, or someone from Brittany that is from the North of France. I am pretty sure it’s the same deal for the UK and the USA. Being New-Yorker is quite different than being American.

If multiples cultures equal one citizenship, I let you imagine the plurality in a worldwide company like HAVAS ! That’s why I asked a simple question to my colleagues from HAVAS Lofts in NY (2 from UK & 3 from FR).

Whether it’s professional or cultural, give me your UK / USA / FR clichés. After 3 weeks, did your mind change ?

« I had the classic cliché about reserved Brits, drinking tea, saying no words, observing. That was before I met them, Brits girls over here are just so dynamic, always trying to get everything, to keep the best of each meeting, visit and person they speak with ». Gwénaëlle Jacquand

« Before NY, I thought the French were rude and arrogant / all smoked cigarettes / ultra stylish. That was before I met them, (expect for the French style) they are totally lovely (the ones I’ve been hanging out with) and only 25% of them smoke !” Gemma Hamilton

BEFORE / ATER from Claire Lemoult

“ That French ladies would be very serious, and nasty. That was before I met them because in fact, they’re not ! » Rhiannon Moore.

« To be honest, when I think about British ladies, I have two different images in my mind : very chic, like Kate Middleton’s high class level AND the ugly style like very shorts dresses some girls are wearing Saturday night (specially in winter). On a professional point, I imagine them structured, following their process, a little bit « tight ». That was before I met them, no nasty dresses, they are elegant ! They are so open minded but I was right about one thing, British ladies + process = One ». Myself !

« I thought the Brits were all business-centric, maybe because they are on their island where the market, methods and issues are different, even the currency ! That was before I met them, the British ladies in NY are interested to discover new ways of working. BUT, I didn’t heard so much about their process, maybe they don’t want to share their success ;) (kidding) » Nicolas Pohu

« Ah ! The Americans. I thought they were all fat, like really fat. But there is a huge difference between American and New-Yorkers. On a business level, I guess they were much more direct like saying “What the hell / What the f*» all day long to make their points. That was before I met them, even if there’s food everywhere/everytime, they have regular size (I feel like I’m doing a Weight Wetchers review). The politically correct way of talking is a real culture in NY. Even if your idea sucks, they would never say it to your face like in France « Yeah totally agree with you, you made a good point but you know…bla bla bla.” Myself !

“I thought that American presentations will be ONE word ONE image, no more, compared to France where we love to write. That was before I met them, actually it’s more a precise and step by step demonstration, based on studies and datas, with words, charts, figures, but all working so great together. Gwénaëlle Jacquand

« I always thought the Americans were obsessed with their jobs, didn’t have time for personal life and spent like 12 hours per day at the office. That was before I met them ! Actually they are doing a lot of sports and their working hours are flexible. I must say they are very efficient during the day and never wast time on breaks or lunchs (they’d rather have lunch meetings). » Nicolas Pohu

BEFORE / AFTER from Claire Lemoult

« Before I thought all New Yorkers were very into fashion, would be a little bit cool and aloof and ate a lot of bagels. That was before I met them, (expect for the bagels part, they eat bagels all day long), the look is more relaxed and they are so friendly and welcoming » Gemma Hamilton

« I always thought that the US would all be really slick and professional and Devil-Wears-Prada-y and they would be loud and aggressive. That was before I met them because they’re lovely. » Rhiannon Moore

And what about your clichés ?

Just a quick say about the French people, yes we are arrogant, grumpy and very direct, but in terms of pro-activity, we can win the gold medal ;) @Claire @Gwen

What French people look like, specially from Paris. GRUMPY

