Quotes & thoughts

Vincent Colonna-Cesari
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2016

It has been something like 5 years now since I have switched my life to English: books, movies, phone, social medias, notes, news… everything. I thought it would make it up for the fact that I have never lived in an English speaking country. Yet I can’t really process more than one stream of thought at the same time. But I’m definitely catching some great quotes from my new colleagues & my coach!

My top 3 for this first week:

“What are the next steps? Who does what?”Gavin Wassung

Gavin is one of my coaches, he is Experience Design Director, and he gets things done.

And it actually tells a lot about what I have seen here. Whatever their role in the agency, people are just making things move forward. At some point in meetings, you come to wonder who does what because everyone contributes very valid points on everything. And yet between meetings each individual does his or her part so the next meeting can work that way again. It feels like being on board of a very efficient train, working like clockwork.

“Put it on the wall” Scott Galbraith

’Cause yes, you never see white walls here. Walls are full of boards and papers with ongoing projects. Wireframes, notes and decks are literally everywhere around you!

And it seems actually really helpful. Why? Because people are keeping the big picture in my mind. You can focus on specific things on your screen and really look at the details because you just have to stand up and look around you if you want to put things into perspective again. Love it.

“We need a product; the client should not be looking at anything else.” JoRoan Lazaro

Damn how good does it feel to hear that! And it’s not just a quote — for almost every project you will create and refer to an InVision, or prototype of the product. Rather than talking about ideas and concepts forever, showing a product — even if it’s still a bit clunky — seems to be the way to go.

Creative agencies are pushing their client toward building more experiences. It’s good to see creative agencies applying this discipline to themselves.

BONUS: “Knock knock” — Work

Time to get back to it and keep learning from everyone here!

