
Steve Fagioli
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2017

Over the past two weeks, I’ve really started to integrate into the team, working not only with HMI, but also with the different specialties on a few different projects.

For Casillero del Diablo (a wine brand also sold in the US), I helped put together a small media plan in Switzerland that directly targeted shoppers of specific grocery stores, which included a geo-fenced mobile plan as well as OOH.

For Israel Tourism, I’ve been helping create a higher level digital strategy for the European markets that focuses on heavier programmatic, mobile, and native video, with more advanced targeting.

I got to work with some really smart, hard-working people from the Mobext, Affiperf, and Socialyse teams. I also got to see some of the other great work they are doing at the agency. Socialyse here in Frankfurt has a big community management team as well, working on some large accounts in Germany such as Hyundai.

Hyundai Deutschland Facebook post

I’ve also been impressed with everyone’s ability to speak multiple languages, and switch back and forth with ease. I’ve met people on the team from Mexico, France, Spain, Denmark, India, and more, and they all speak at least 3 languages fluently, switching back and forth between emails, phone calls, and in-person conversations, depending on who they are talking to. The US should learn from this and start teaching a second language when kids are young!

Quick side note — the German keyboard doesn’t look so different, does it? I didn’t realize until I started typing that a number of keys are out of place or different, so I would look at my screen after typing and see a ton of typos…so it’s been fun getting used to this (at least the numbers are in the right place):

German keyboard

Outside of work, I participated in the JP Morgan run with the Havas Media team, which was held last Tuesday in Frankfurt. For those of you who know me well, you will know I am not one who runs for fun. Don’t get me wrong, I am fully capable of running…

…But in reality, I’m a little more like this…

No one here would let me off that easily though, so I ran the whole thing with a few people from the HMI team, and am glad I did! The city was lively with people out on the sidewalks cheering us on, playing in a drum line or band, or just raising a beer from their seat at a pub. I also got to see parts of the city I otherwise might have missed. It’s a little hard to take a clear photo while running, but here’s what I was able to get:

Running through Frankfurt

Havas had a large group participate in the run, which was followed by a BBQ at the office where Jan Altmeyer (the head of Socialyse here) grilled some chicken, steak, bratwurst, corn, and more.

Office BBQ

5.6 km is a lot for me after zero preparation/warming up, so I was a bit sore the next day (ok, the next 3 days), but it was definitely worth it!

Lastly, two Fridays ago was my first time at TGIF. No, not this:

TGIF is HM Frankfurt’s Friday happy hour. Every Friday at 5 they have a little party out on the terrace which includes beer, wine, and snacks. Very similar to the NY office’s very own Bar 8!

TGIF on the terrace with a scary storm approaching…

One request NY: can we please invest in one of these outdoor terraces?? :)

