Team spirit

Mehdi Khelil
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2015

In this business you would not go very far on your own. It takes an entire team to pull out great work!

I had the chance recently to help out on a specific project. Who knew I could be that good at wrapping gifts (more on that later)?!
Although it was for a famous client “UK Trade & Investment”, and sounds fancy at first, the budget was ridiculously tight. The name of the project itself “the Great Tech Award 2015” sounds fancier. But there is no such a sure thing in this industry.
You soon realize that they have limited budget. That they want a great event. And they have no money. Well, that remembers me some of my clients in Paris… it’s good to hear we all share the issues. Doing our best with what we get (that could be a good motto actually).

The pitch was pretty simple : organize and shoot the award ceremony that would recompense the top high-growth technology companies in the US Northeast looking to expand their innovative business to the UK.

If we were in France, this would have been pitched by Havas Event but as there is not an event agency within the NY Village, and that Cake is not only nimble but also creative, they went for it. And they won the pitch!

Put all hands to work
I guess it took a few months to set up the entire preparation, from scouting the venue to book the performers, but we had only one day to prepare the set and make this night count for the client.
After a last meeting the day before the event to “synchronise our watches” it was about time to start this long day of work.

When I arrived at the location, the team was already in place and working on the set tables, on setting lights and cameras and I… well I… helped Andie and Paige with the gifts and I did NOT mind! I flew more than 6000 kms (don’t ask me for the miles conversion) to learn and help if I can and this was my first opportunity to put myself in use.
200 bags, 5 items each… untill… wait… (it’s gonna be legend… but not it wasn’t!) you realize one item is missing and you have to do it all over again!

Kellie, the Account Director played the quarterback and the control tower. Andie the Account Executive, was perfect as the running back. Emily, the features producer became a journalist to get some live reaction. Kevin and Christian, both Content Creators, took care of the cameras and risk their live. Paige, Junior Producer, controlled the photoshoot on the red carpet.

Team up

E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E knew his role and did it without any second thought for the sake of the night. And it felt like home :)
The rest of the team (Angelo, Michael, Melanie) made sure everything went well. Even Stacy, the Head of Content passed by to give her support and see the result. Team spirit!

From my perspective they did an amazing job in such a short time and with such a small budget! Of course, for Kellie, whom run the project and is perfectionist, “it wasn’t perfect” (imagine the Australian accent). To be fair, who could have guessed that the men & women toilets were connected and that they will over float in the middle of the event :)
Come on, no biggie! The night was fun, the performers, a breakdancing crew & the former 5-Points graffeti artists were incredible and it’s time to enjoy free booze :)

Live performance

The next day we all arrived pretty late at work… and it was well deserved. Thank God it’s Friday like they call it here!
This morning (or early afternoon to be honest), on my way to work I ran into Superman on the street, met Super Woman on the subway and Super Mario read his email accross my desk!

Halloween was on a Friday this year and it was the perfect excuse to relax and chill a little bit at work, especially after a long day, before to party really hard on the weekend (if all American do and if it’s tradition…).

It would have been almost a perfect Friday if we did not have to work on a brand new brief for a construction company. Life’s tough… but again, we were all together on this!

Briefing session



Mehdi Khelil
havas lofts

Senior Project Manager, Havas Productions, Paris