Jaclyn Griffin
havas lofts
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2014


The Happiest and the Most Caffeinated LOFTer Out There : )

I am in FRANCE!!! Where do I even start? Well first things first I am from Chicago, not New York, despite the fact that all emails and LOFT docs say otherwise : ). Although, it has been 4 days and I am officially convinced I am now Parisian. How could an American that knows very little French and has never been here before feel so acclimated already? I can prove it. It is Thursday at noon and I have already had 4 espressos, 2 cigarettes and 2 croissants. When I did this on day one (Monday), I was shaking, however I adjust quickly and now it is my routine. Good/Bad? I don’t care, I love it.

With that in mind, I have probably scared everyone I have met, as I am “très très très heureux d’être ici!!!” But I mean, at least I will leave a lasting impression : ). Honestly though, I have met so many amazing people here! Thanks to my incredible coach Anne, who arranged countless meetings across all of the departments in the Havas Village, I have been able to meet and shadow some extremely intelligent people. From Traffickers to Analytics to Mobext to Socialyze to Artemis to Creative…. the list goes on. People working on Global projects and Local projects, it is all so enlightening, I am trying to absorb as much as possible. I am truly so grateful for this opportunity and am looking forward to sharing all of my experiences and learnings with as many people who will listen (to the over caffeinated girl).

P.S. I am a little nervous this program may backfire…. I never want to leave Havas Paris!

