To play or not to play: that’s the question…

Marion Caillard
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2016

What a relevant question, isn’t it? I think I’ve heard it before…

These 3 last weeks have allowed me to better understand how a creative agency works and, most of all, how to become a “pitch expert”.

During a meeting this week, I suddenly realized that developing a pitch is very similar to creating art…a play! Each person involved knows exactly what they have to do (if they are a leading or supporting character), thanks to the New Business team which brief them. That’s exactly the same process of creation than one uses to write a play.

You start from a client brief (in this case, 3 words: SIMPLE, INNOVATIVE and EMOTIONAL — easy! It would be like using cats for an ad, no?)


The brief is the plot of your play, then your leading characters come alive — the strategists and creative people in the agency. When you prepare a chemistry meeting, you think of every detail: your ideas of course, which are the core of the meeting, and then how to share them, what kinds of support to use, where it will be held…Then actors appear on stage.

Same process as I said — before the chemistry meeting, the best way to have a chance of winning is to rehearse.

And your purpose when you get involved in a pitch process or in a play is the same: to seduce / convince your client / audience.

A chemistry meeting is coming this week at Havas London. I will play my role the best I can. But oh….big difference…no clapping in our case!

Ready for the chemistry meeting?

Two days ago, I was so proud of myself because I went from a point A to a point B without using Google Maps! I’m now a real Londoner ;) The streets of London have no more secrets for me.

And as a French girl not wearing a scarf when the weather is rainy and cold, I got a cold. Typical british weather as I’ve been told. Anyway, this city offers one million of possibilities, you can be who you want without any judgement.

As an actor finally…

Shakespeare style ;)

