Yup I’m back… back again.

Benny Jackson
havas lofts
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2016

So this week it’s all about what I’ve learned at the London office. Drums please!

So, I think the biggest thing that I’ve noticed here is the use of Google Slides. I’ve used it every day now and it is the bees knees. It is truly a great way to collaborate and work on the fly. I’m in love with it now… in fact I love it so much I’ve already sent an email to the teams back at home and told them that we are going to start using it immediately (and the crowd goes wild). Why didn’t we do this a long time ago… so much wasted time (shakes fists at sky).

Something that has blown my since I’ve been here is that they use designers. These guys are so important to have at the agency. It’s great to be able to come up with a quick design for a concept then have someone take that design to the next level. I will definitely go back home and beg to make this happen in Chicago.

Oh yeah, remember I was telling you last time that I was going there for the weekend? Well I did and it was amazing. I’ve been there a few times before and I STILL did all the touristy stuff, it’s totally worth it.

Here are some pictures of that little excursion.

This guy rocks.

Well I hope you enjoyed this weeks program and be sure to come back you hear!

Cheerio old chaps.

Your friend, Captain Nerdface

