Spring 2018 Work Term — The last of the co-op series

It's My  Life
Published in
6 min readJun 22, 2018

I’m about 6 weeks into my last co-op term with HTS Engineering, and here’s how I feel about this term so far:

I love that what I have learned from my Heat and Mass courses are showing up in the functions of the equipment that we are selling. I always wondered aside from cooling a CPU/silicone chip (the examples that have been OVERUSED), what were the other applications of wallfins? Now I can see that wallfins are a key fundamental to hydronic heating, and are everywhere. To all my fellow chemical engineers, remember the beloved refrigeration cycle that they taught in thermodynamics? (instantly Professor Rajinder Pal’s booming “If you think you understand thermodynamics, you don’t really understand it at all” echoes in my head) Yep, it appears in the application of heat pumps/air conditioning — after copying the diagram of this cycle in my notes countlessly in class, now I FINALLY realized the use of this cycle in real life applications.

I also love how HTS Kitchener values training on their products. I was personally trained on the products from my supervisor, and it was great since it was a one-on-one session, so I didn’t feel ashamed of asking questions or clarifications. It was a huge contrast to training at GoFleet, where I was told to stare at countless videos and training documentation over the course of 3 days, and was expected to swim on my own in support. From the training sessions, I started to see more connections to what I’ve learned in thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, and fluid mechanics, so it wasn’t boring at all. Although my position is in contracting, and I’m mainly pricing up their products; I see how important it is to learn about the products and how they work in order to correctly identify the product that meets the specifications. My office’s training is excellent, and now I am always finding myself looking up and trying to identify different HVAC products. I am looking forward to learn more about HVAC products and how they work. I never want to go back to doing support.

That being said, there are a number of things that I am currently struggling with at work. I like the work that I’m doing, but I am finding it difficult to make connections with my coworkers. In this office, there are only 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7 (including myself) people total in the Kitchener office, and I am the only co-op student. Everyone else in the office are into or well past their 30’s, and it is difficult for me to find topics of conversation aside from small talk (and I hate small talk). I do not find myself relating to them at all. In the beginning of the term, I was a more eager, talkative person trying to find a connection with my much older colleagues. I tried to talk about myself and my personal life (which I realized was a big mistake), hoping that they would also open up and talk about their life. However, it didn’t seem like they really gave a shit about myself, and so far it just seems like I am offending/upsetting them. It surprised me because this is not the first time I have been exposed to this age demographic. I guess I was still used to the interaction style I had with my previous coworkers at GoFleet, which had a younger demographic. Because of this, I have made some mistakes in communication that my current colleagues told me was “looked down upon” in workplace environments. Oops. My takeaway from this is to never talk about my personal life with them, and think before I open my mouth. As an introvert, I didn’t think this would actually be a problem.

I believe one particular colleague that I work under, and report mainly to HATES me, and that she only sees me as an incompetent, annoying FETUS that needs to be babysat for everything. She is 1 tbsp of condescending, 1 litre of blunt, and 1 large pot of salt.

There are certain things that I have done my way that still gets the job done, and have been scolded by her for not doing it exactly her way. I didn’t think that doing it my way would be harmful or inconveniencing anyone, but in this case here, I won’t make myself the victim here. Perhaps there is a good reason that I was not made aware of.

That is part of the reason I have avoided sitting to eat lunch in the kitchen with everyone else for a while. I don’t feel like I belong. My supervisor told me “You know, you’re the only co-op student that never sat with us for lunch. You know, you are always free to eat in the kitchen with us”. I lied and told him “I have a friend from Conestoga College that I have lunch with”. From my experiences so far, the thought of having to eat with all them AND enjoy my meal makes me anxious. I really just want to use my lunch break as a BREAK from all the awkwardness and possible hostility with my colleagues. Did every Kitchener co-op student really get along with everyone? Is it just me that sticks out? Am I a bad co-op student? Will I get a bad performance review? These questions haunt me at work.

I miss the banters that I had with my GoFleet colleagues. I wish there was another co-op student. After my experience at GoFleet, I never want to go back to being the only co-op student. Maybe if I had accepted the offer, I would have been put in the Toronto office, where there are more co-op students hired.

I have been trying to make some improvements to myself, such as sitting down in the kitchen to eat lunch at noon, regardless if anyone else is there or not. So far, no one seems to start their lunch at noon (or are they just avoiding me??). I am trying to hold myself accountable for things that I can control, rather than become salty and put the blame on someone else. For the sake of avoiding head butts with my colleague, I am trying to become more meticulous and doing procedures exactly as I am told to do. To remind myself to retain my sanity at work, I printed out 3 lines of text to have next to my computer as I work:

“I am not a reflection of my environment”

“Nothing is worth compromising the integrity of my work”

“I am in control of my actions”

Highlighting the last line of text, I cannot control the behaviour of my colleagues at work. I am an individual that would do anything to preserve my energy throughout the day. Why should I waste energy on factors that I cannot control? Instead I should channel that energy to improve myself, change my perceptions, and how I deal with tough situations.

Hopefully that will improve my work experience for the rest of the term.

ON A SIDE NOTE, totally unrelated to work — I have been pretty busy with a couple of side projects/activities of my own, things that fill me with joy and remind myself why I’m glad to be working in Kitchener.

  1. Figure skating: I love how I can take this class during the summer, I think it’s pretty cool to say that I’m ice skating during the warmer seasons. Your girl has been practicing her outside edges, spins, spirals; and learning more new moves! I am pretty happy right now because I can kind of do the mohawk, and 3 point turns (Still working on it)!! I’ve realized how important becoming comfortable with your edgework is. Still need to work on my check position as well…
  2. Face painting: This term, I have reliving my passion for face painting and went on a spending spree for a quality face painting kit, brushes, and sponges. (I’ve realized that Snazaroo face paints that you find at Michael’s just don’t cut it; their colours are much more muted, and linework with Snazaroo is a pain to do.) I posted a couple of ads on Kijiji, which I got a good number of responses for, and now I am looking forward to my first exceptional gig at Bingeman’s!! Also started a Facebook and Instagram page for advertising my services and displaying my art. I realize that my purpose of doing this is to share my passion for face painting and designs to the world, not to garner likes and follows.
  3. T-shirt printing: I wanted to make my own T-shirt designs, but when I realized how much it costs for screen printing, I did a 180 degree and settled for manually painting designs with fabric paint.

We’ll see how the rest of my term goes!



It's My  Life

Perpetually salty…perhaps to preserve my soul from harm