Unpopular opinions

It's My  Life
Published in
1 min readAug 15, 2018

As the title suggests, here are some unpopular opinions that I have. Of course, I will express these opinions in a respectful manner, this entry is not meant to offend anyone. I respect that everyone has a different opinion, please respect that I have my own opinions as well. Because of this, I will not justify my differing opinions and I should not have to. I also do not expect the readers to support my point of view (DISCLAIMER, so please don’t run after me with pitchforks and knives. :))

  1. I like Nickelback’s music
  2. Butterflies are creepy
  3. I strongly believe that you can have fun in life without clubbing, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  4. The smell of durian does not bother me (not really an opinion but..)
  5. I’m Team Pineapple on Pizza, however I do think pineapple is too much alone
  6. I would rather live alone than with roommates
  7. I don’t like starting new shows because of my tendencies to binge watch
  8. Discussing about answers to exams right after writing it is completely pointless, I try to duck away from my classmates and go home immediately for this reason



It's My  Life

Perpetually salty…perhaps to preserve my soul from harm