What I have learned in University…so far.

It's My  Life
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2016

December 29, 2016

This goes out to anyone starting or currently in college, university, and anyone else interested in taking a glimpse of university life.

After my first term at the University of Waterloo studying Chemical Engineering, I learned these things to maintain my sanity:

  1. Current study habits to get by in high school won’t work in university.

In high school, what worked for me was spending countless hours passively working on a task while browsing on the other realms of the Internet and listening to music, or spending countless hours reading an entire textbook to make sure there was no gap in my knowledge for each course. It didn’t matter how much time I spent on a task, as along as I eventually understand the concept, or performed the task well. However, there is NO time for that in uni, where I was juggling multiple assignments for each course due each week and prepping for weekly quizzes. I was forced to adjust my scheduling and habits so to study more efficiently to keep up with everything that school throws at you. The Pomodoro technique started becoming more useful for me, and recently, I developed a fondness towards Noisli to keep distracting noises out.

2. Do not compare yourself to others.

I was aware of many people out there that were getting better grades, that were more attractive, had a better social life, and had time to pursue other extra-curriculars. I really envied those that were on top of every assignment and project, or would do everything at the last minute, and yet STILL get exceptional grades. I dragged through the 4 months believing that I was stupid and worthless. It is mentally distressing to drop to the bottom when you were so used to being ‘top dog’ back in high school. Eventually, it mentally alleviated me when I focused on my progress and doing my best rather than focusing on where I stand with the rest of the class.

3. Find something non-academic that you have a passion for.

The only thing that made my name known around high school was my knack for drawing and having the highest grades for all my four years in high school. (Ha, can you even call yourself ‘ the smartest kid in the school’, when your 100% in visual arts and music was boosting your overall average?) Otherwise, I was a very awkward, acne-prone, brace-face, non-photogenic introvert. As mentioned in #2, when I was introduced to ‘smarter’ people, that reputation as the smartest person in the school was immediately stripped from me, and I had nothing else. It helped to draw and do some crafting in my pastime to keep my mind off the stress momentarily. Don’t let academics define who you are!



It's My  Life

Perpetually salty…perhaps to preserve my soul from harm