What I want to do for My Last Co-op Term

It's My  Life
Published in
1 min readMay 21, 2018

There are only 4 months for this term, and to be realistic, I’m definitely not going to be able to cross all of these off my list.

I’m a pretty straightforward person, so let’s skip the romantic, wishy-washy introductory paragraphs and get straight to it:

  1. Take another figure skating class (really stoked to develop my spirals, spins, and jumps!)
  2. Stay in the loop about our FYDP project. It will not be easy, since my hours of availability are different than everyone else on campus
  3. Get my face painting side hustle going, and at least break even.
  4. Perform a dance with the cousins at the family reunion in August
  5. Look into competitions/scholarships for FYDP
  6. Write my work term report (that’s a given, if I want to pass the work term)
  7. Go swimming
  8. Finish painting the T-shirts I promised to give my friends and family
  9. Do some cliche summer stuff (e.x camping, going to the beach, hiking)
  10. Practice driving, and get my full G license
  11. Work out

I will check in again at the end of the term to see how much I have done!



It's My  Life

Perpetually salty…perhaps to preserve my soul from harm