From Russia With Love

My first Siberian siren

William Mersey
Having Sex With Escorts


Ya think this story is a little old? Check it out! I talk about the recently-lifted Iron Curtain. Whatever! The fundamentals still apply.

The iron curtain has officially lifted, and the cold war is finally over. I made love to my first Russian girl last night. And am I ever glad all our international heads of state put their heads together and put an end to all the stupidity. Because had they not, I might never have had the erotic encounter of a lifetime.

Feeling kind of down and lonely, I picked up a copy of my favorite sex rag and began thumbing through the pages until I arrived at an ad that appealed to me. The girl in the picture was too fabulous and too delicious for words. I banged out the number on the phone and with bated breath, asked if she was available.

Well, to my dismay, it turned out that she had been scooped up for a two-week European scamper by some high roller. But the sultry voice on the other end of the line assured me that Valerie, another of the agency’s girls, was equally fetching.

“Have you ever been with a Russian girl?” she asked.

When she found that the answer was no, the phone girl assured me I would never be the same if I booked Valerie for an hour. And with a sales pitch like…



William Mersey
Having Sex With Escorts

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."