Photo-Drop-Saturday! ! !

Thomas Mallick
København a Good Time
2 min readMay 19, 2019

In this blog, I really try to keep you guys on your toes. That’s why I’m welcoming you to Photo-Drop-Saturday!

I spent the week on our long Study Tour with my Game Development Core Course in Berlin and Frankfurt. I had a blast and a half beep-bopping through Germany, eating pretzels, and dunking bratwurst after bratwurst in some good ol’ German mustard.

This was me the past six days.

I brought my film camera on the trip so, unfortunately, those pictures won’t make it onto Photo-Drop-Saturday. Instead, enjoy these grrrrrreat pictures from my #adventures through Copenhagen and Florence.

I might have torn my hamstring while taking this picture.

An #aesthetic wall.

Thought this lil’ guy deserved to be on the blog.

Those are all the pics I have for you today, but check back next week for more. Who knows, maybe next week will be the first Photo-Drop-Sunday!

