How Havuta Helps Impact-Driven Organisations Live-Streamify Their Data

Paul de Havilland


“Because insights are most useful when they are actionable.”

Impact-driven organisations rely on impact data to determine how effective their work is. But what if those impacts could be collected, cleaned, analysed, and delivered in real-time, on a constant basis?

Iterative learning during an intervention is becoming a more important capability in the development sector. Knowing that certain aspects of an intervention are not working, or are having adverse impacts during the intervention is a powerful way of addressing problems as they arise and adjusting your theory of change in a timely manner.

Havuta is working with organisations to help them get what amount to live streams of their impact using our powerful, tech-driven data collection, analysis, and beneficiary management solution.

For organisations already with the capacity to process and act upon data-driven insights, Havuta’s solution is driving them to higher levels of impact. For smaller organisations, Havuta’s impact tools are nimble and intuitive enough to drive change even where perceived capacity is lacking.

Foreseeing outcomes perfectly, even with the best of resources and experience, is difficult. A range of factors can present during an intervention that undermines the potential for impact or affect the course of successful implementation of programs. In development, things never fully go as planned.

Understanding these influences immediately can help organisations reorient their efforts to steer more toward things that work, and away from things that don’t — making achieving the desired impact more viable and more efficient.

Havuta believes in the value of actionable impact insights. Our tools are best suited to the two more complex needs of the development sector when it comes to impact data: accessing longitudinal data to measure long-term impact, and accessing actionable data in real time. We like to call this the live-streamification of impact data.

Nimble-minded organisations are taking advantage of these capabilities to fine-tune their interventions on-the-go in order to enhance their effectiveness. Feel free to reach out for a discussion about how we can help you live-streamify your data.

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Paul de Havilland
Editor for

Director of Strategy and Communications, Havuta LLC