The Data Collection Needs That Havuta Meets Particularly Well

Paul de Havilland
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Havuta is designed to be the suite of data collection, analysis, and beneficiary management of choice for the development sector.

But of all the data collection tools on the market, what makes Havuta stand out?

Havuta prides itself on being the most cost-effective data collection tool development actors can use. Those efficiencies, which we are able to pass onto our customers, come from three factors:

  • Self-completion possibilities
  • The use of blockchain technology
  • The central suite of aggregate impact data and beneficiary information

Havuta’s app enables impact-driven organisations to deploy surveys from the organisation’s dashboard to their beneficiaries’ mobile phones at a click of the button. The infrastructure compresses time and space, meaning organisations and the researchers working with them are no longer limited by geography and time.

We have found that incentivized self-completion subjects make for very motivated survey participants.

Havuta can be used in traditional face-to-face studies, too. But here again, we offer efficiencies that other solutions do not have. The incentive mechanism means that participant fatigue does not set in as quickly, meaning organisations can capture all the data they need in one setting. We also use GPS and time-sensing technology that allows organisations to place full trust in their enumerators.

The use of blockchain technology allows us to transmit rewards for completion electronically, all recorded on a distributed ledger. Transaction costs are minimal and incentives can be delivered efficiently. Currently, we are rolling out mobile phone credits and will expand, using blockchain technology, to micro cash transfers and other digitally deliverable incentives as we continue developing.

From a single dashboard, organisations can broadcast surveys, gather responses, and employ Havuta’s visually attractive suite of graphic and analytical tools. Beneficiary data resides in the same dashboard, meaning one place of central control, shareable to all relevant employees, for data collection, analytics, and beneficiary management.

Havuta’s ethos is to drive efficiencies in the sector by making data more affordable and nimble. We aim to grow with the organisations we work with, helping the sector to deliver on its promise to improve livelihoods for everyone.

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Paul de Havilland
Editor for

Director of Strategy and Communications, Havuta LLC