Title: Evolving for a Brighter Future: Havuta’s Journey from Data Collection to Impactful Consulting and ImpactNFTs

Paul de Havilland
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of technology and innovation, companies often find themselves at a crossroads where they need to adapt to changing trends and demands. Such is the case with Havuta, a trailblazing team that has decided to embark on a new chapter in their journey.

While bidding farewell to their data collection app services, Havuta is not waving goodbye; instead, we’re embracing change and harnessing our expertise to make a positive impact through consulting services for NGOs and corporations, as well as continuing with our innovative ImpactNFT solutions.

The Shift Towards Meaningful Impact

Havuta’s decision to shift away from their data collection app services reflects their commitment to making a meaningful impact on the world. The team has recognized the evolving needs of both NGOs and corporations, realizing that they possess the knowledge and experience necessary to assist these organizations in vital areas.

This pivot reflects not just a change in business model, but a profound dedication to driving positive change through sustainable strategies.

Consulting for NGOs: Empowering Change-Makers

One key focus of Havuta’s new direction is providing consulting services for NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). NGOs play a crucial role in addressing pressing global challenges, but often face resource constraints and organizational hurdles.

Havuta’s team, armed with their technological expertise and insights, is poised to empower these change-makers by offering tailored consulting services. From capacity building to data-driven decision-making, Havuta aims to amplify the impact of NGOs, helping them achieve their missions more effectively.

Sustainability Consulting for Corporations: Paving the Path to a Greener Future

Another avenue Havuta is exploring is sustainability consulting for corporations. As the world collectively steers toward a more sustainable future, businesses are increasingly under pressure to integrate environmentally conscious practices.

Havuta’s team, with its diverse skill set, is well-equipped to guide corporations on their sustainability journey. From devising eco-friendly strategies to implementing responsible supply chain management, Havuta aims to be a guiding light for businesses striving to make a positive impact on the planet.

ImpactNFTs: Marrying Innovation with Social Good

One of the most exciting aspects of Havuta’s pivot is their innovative ImpactNFT solutions. In recent years, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention, creating new possibilities for digital ownership and value exchange.

Havuta is taking this concept a step further through our ImpactNFTs — a novel approach that bridges the gap between technology, art, and social impact.

ImpactNFTs offer a platform for impact-driven organizations to raise funds while providing transparent proof of the positive change they’re creating. This revolutionary idea not only democratizes fundraising but also holds organizations accountable for their promises. By combining the power of blockchain technology with social responsibility, Havuta is redefining the way we perceive and participate in philanthropy.

Conclusion: A Journey of Purpose and Innovation

Havuta’s decision to transition from data collection app services to consulting for NGOs, corporations, and their groundbreaking ImpactNFT solutions is a testament to our unwavering commitment to driving positive change. This pivot reflects our belief that technology can serve as a powerful tool for social good, and our ability to adapt to emerging trends showcases our resilience and forward-thinking mindset.

As Havuta embarks on this exciting new chapter, we invite you all to join us in reshaping the landscape of impact-driven initiatives. By leveraging our experience, expertise, and innovation, Havuta is not just embracing change — we’re igniting a movement toward a brighter and more sustainable future. So, stay tuned and be part of the transformative journey as Havuta continues to make waves in the realms of consulting and ImpactNFTs.

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Paul de Havilland
Editor for

Director of Strategy and Communications, Havuta LLC