Best Black Friday Deal

Laura Patterson
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
2 min readJan 24, 2017

This year for Black Friday, one of the greatest holidays that celebrates spending, I saved hundreds of dollars on clothes. I spent over $200, which surprisingly is probably the least amount of money I’ve ever spent on this holiday. I found great deals and made huge savings at Gap where I bought a feminine off-white shirt, a black jean jacket that will go great with any of my other shirts, and most importantly an olive green jumpsuit.

When I initially saw the jumper, I thought I wouldn’t be able to pull off wearing it. The last time I wore a jumper, I bought it in England four years earlier and it fit all wrong; the stomach was too large and made me look pregnant. But when I tried it on my mom and sister said to buy it so I gave it a shot and did. When I wear it with my brown boots and jean jacket, I feel chic.

The outfit makes me feel comfortable and stylish without losing time struggling through my closet. The best part of the purchase of my now favorite jumpsuit is that I’m able to wear something I’ve never tried before. What’s better is this outfits cuts time from my morning routine.

While I love clothes and matching shirts with accessories, some days I just don’t want to go through the ordeal of throwing my whole wardrobe on my bed and finding the right pants that will match my bomber jacket or a shirt that will compliment my shoes. That can take me up to an hour to figure out. And for those of us who take morning classes, we don’t want to fight through our grogginess to find the right clothes. With the $30 jumpsuit I bought, I don’t have to worry about any of that. I just wear my jean jacket over it and throw on some boots and call it a day. It’s easy to accessorize with a necklace or choker; add a bracelet and a purse and everywhere you walk will become your runway.



Laura Patterson
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State

Staff writer at Seamless Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior at Montclair State University where I study English & Journalism!