‘Finding Ourselves’ Through the Arts

Carlie Madlinger
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
3 min readApr 3, 2017
Deckonti Tiah instructing the crew and actors while filming on Sunday, April 2.

“Quiet on set!”

The dismal Dickson Hall transformed into the lively Oakcrest Prep high school as a camera filmed actions, lights illuminated characters and a boom mic captured every last line uttered.

Off to the side, analyzing the script, schedule and the scene being filmed was Montclair State junior Child Advocacy major, Deckonti Tiah. Finding Ourselves follows a group of high school friends as they go through life’s relatable triumphs and tribulations.

The 22-year-old producer, actress and head writer for Finding Ourselves said shows like, “Saved by the Bell” and “Boy Meets World”, influence her web series.

Television programming today is raunchy and scandalous, according to Tiah. “What happened to having morals in shows, sitting down with your family and watching a show that every body could relate to? I wanted to bring that back, that was my biggest goal.”

Deckonti Tiah has the initiative and ambition to make all of her dreams come true.

Growing up, Tiah acknowledged she was shy and used writing as her outlet and greatest form of self-expression. A junior in high school, Tiah created Finding Ourselves and in college she decided to make her story come to life. While she only began filming a year ago, Tiah started to hold auditions in June 2014.

“I’m a perfectionist. I write all of my characters, they’re very close to me, I’m very protective of them. I don’t want just anyone playing them,” she said.

In December, Tiah cast a role that had taken her 3 years to fill, “He read for it and I was like ‘This is the guy that I’ve been waiting for.’”

That actor is 27-year-old Rutgers graduate, Lawrence Kochoa, who said, “Playing Joey brings me back to the high school days. As you get older you take yourself more seriously. You’re worried about your job, you’re worried about where you’re going and goals and I guess playing this character lets me get loose and I’m trying to have fun with it.”

“Joey’s like Shawn Hunter, it’s like the role was meant for Lawrence. Sometimes I’m like, ‘Are you even acting?!’ It’s too perfect, he makes the scene and I feel like he’s not doing it intentionally. He’s a scene stealer, he really is! I’m nervous when I have to act with him because I’m like, ‘Wow, he’s gonna outshine me!’ But he’s very humble, he’s a sweetheart. Lawrence just blends in perfectly,” said Tiah smiling.

Lawrence Kochoa filming a scene for Finding Ourselves in Dickson Hall.

While in an acting class at Montclair State, Dance major, Gianna-Leigh Bastar, heard that Finding Ourselves was casting. Curious, she attended an audition and got the role of spunky and sarcastic, Vanessa.

The now graduate of Montclair State said, “I’ve definitely gotten a lot of practice. I’ve learned what it’s like to be behind the table in auditions, I’ve helped with some writing and what it means to develop a role over the long term. Previously, I had only done plays, short films and musicals and you’re only working with your character for that short duration. This is an ongoing project so there is so much more to develop. I really thought about what it would be like and where this character is going in the next few years.”

With a strong passion and dedication for Finding Ourselves, Tiah said, “I feel like the arts are great because you’re working on yourself. My actors and I say this all the time — the arts help you find yourself. I literally found myself through this show, through finding out who I am, finding out what I like to do. It’s just something that we need, it brings a ray of sunshine into our life.”



Carlie Madlinger
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State

Currently a Sophomore at Montclair State University. Fashion enthusiast, most likely found in Manhattan.