Less is More

Why a Minimalist Style is the Key to a Stress-Free Life

Deanna Rosa
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
2 min readSep 26, 2016


Eliminating excess changed my entire lifestyle. Photo Credit: Deanna Rosa

A few months back, I decided that I had entirely too much stuff. Our consumerist culture combined with my addiction to online shopping had compelled me to accumulate countless dollars’ worth of near-useless items, and at the very top of that list sat a (usually unfolded) continually-growing pile of CLOTHES.

Fed up with the constant mess of inside-out jeans and crumpled tees strewn around my bedroom floor, I embarked on an experiment. All of the hangers in my jammed-full closet got turned backwards, to be switched back ONLY after being worn. I decided that, after a month, I would say “adieu” to each item of clothing that remained on a backwards hanger.

And just like that, in only four weeks, all the once-worn button-down blouses and long-since-too-small jeans from high school were eliminated from my closet and my life. Sentimentalism went out the window with about 50% of my beloved wardrobe.

The results of my closet purge have been freeing. In the absence of the unnecessary clutter of things I didn’t wear, it takes me half the time to get dressed in the morning and my room has never been cleaner. I never realized the correlation between stress and excess stuff until I got rid of both.

Now, I consider myself a “minimalist” — not only because I typically wear neutrals and little-to-no accessories, but also because I’ve freed myself of excess. You should try it too.

