One Line With A Meaning

Natasha Vega
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
3 min readOct 4, 2016
Tahir Williams in student quad at Montclair State University — photo courtesy of Tahir Williams

After almost giving up a few months ago, Tahir William’s dream continues to slowly grow closer to a reality.

The fashion industry was far from where this 21-year old saw himself going. It wasn’t until college that his passion for fashion was sparked and his clothing line TaiWear was released.

Growing up in the suburbs of Old Bridge, NJ, Williams saw his future in science. Being the middle child he has always felt his parents held higher expectations for him then his two other brothers. He has only ever wanted to make his parents proud and he believed the money came with science. But that soon changed once he got to college and realized the mathematics involved were not his strong suit.

Since high school, fashion became one thing Williams kept close to his heart. He never bummed it to class in sweatpants and sweatshirts like many students do. Four years ago, if you walked down the halls of Old Bridge High School you were sure to find that one student who always dressed up even on the sleepiest of days. That student was Williams.

“I just wanted to feel the energy,” he said describing his reasoning behind his wardrobe. “I have always felt like that was one thing I was better at.”

College did not stop him from dressing any different. The cold morning and long days that have many students running for pajama pants and oversized sweatshirts have not stopped Williams from changing his dressy wardrobe.

During Williams sophomore year of college what started out as only an elective turned into a life goal. His passion for fashion began to expand more and more with each class he took. His name now finally being exposed to the world.

“Putting out your own idea and your name, I think that’s really important for yourself because your establishing who you are. Your letting people know your existence matters in this world,” Williams explained. “I like to do that through clothing.”

Tahir Williams wearing his first line of Taiwear. — photo courtesy of Tahir Williams

TaiWear, Williams’ first ever clothing line is available to the public with a second to be released sometime during the mid-fall. However, one distinction can be made between Williams and other designers. Hidden between the fabrics of each of his shirts lie a meaning. The designs on his shirts are unique to his experiences, issues he’s gone through or some type of background story.

“I just decided this is a good way to show my peers and just random people I don’t know like you’re not alone. We all have a problem and we all have a story,” Williams said. They are stories people, especially college students, can relate to in some way.

Ariel Sanchez, a friend of Williams, says he supports his friend with whatever he does. But being as unbiased as he can he says “the line is beautiful”.

With the support of Williams friends and peers TaiWear has so far been a success. “I’ve put myself in a hole and I’m trying to figure out how to move through it the best way that I can”, he says, and he will continue to do just that.

In the near future, Williams hopes to expand his business online through Facebook and other social medias. He also hopes to open his own store one day and be a buyer and seller to kids around him who are creating and making their own designs.

“I want kids to feel comfortable with their creativity,” he said. “I just want them to put their work out there.”

Until then, he will continue to expand TaiWear and create new lines that speak to the people around him.

For more information on Williams check out this video here.



Natasha Vega
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State

Recent graduate of MSU with a BA in Communication and Media Arts. Former Program Director and DJ at WMSC.