The Eclectic Student at MSU

Francesca Mecionis
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
5 min readDec 14, 2017

It’s 11:15 PM on a Tuesday, and junior Desiree Habersham can’t wait to walk back to her dorm in Machuga Heights from the Rec Center after dance practice. Her day began over fifteen hours ago, when her alarm blared just before 8 AM.

Habersham at the Magical Gardens in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Born and raised in Long Island, New York, Habersham feels that Montclair State University is her “home away from home” because of the life she has created for herself on campus.

“College has given me a form to express myself. I had a chance to start over and find my own clique. I can completely be myself, and feel confident, and even influence my friends to do the same,” Habersham says.

Being a psychology major with minors in business and film, Habersham can describe herself in one word: eclectic. She’s wanted to be involved and hasn’t let anything stop her. “I like a lot of things, and the worst that could happen is I hear ‘no.”

Habersham currently is the President for Montclair State Dance Company (MSDC), an active sister of Delta Xi Delta Sorority, an undergraduate admissions ambassador, works 5 to 10 hours a week as a crossing guard for the school as well as a TA, and a peer advocate. But she has participated as an SGA Legislature, a peer leader, a RecBoard member, and was the Treasurer for MDC in previous semesters.

She regrets not branching out in high school due to her own fear. Baldwin Senior High School throws Intramural Night every year, in which each grade battles against each other through dancing, cheering, and a small skit. “I wanted to participate so badly, but I was so nervous. I walked all the way to school for the audition, and ended up just walking home because I knew no one,” Habersham said.

By senior year at Baldwin, she was more active in her school community. Habersham was in the chess club, the manager of the tennis club, the manager of badminton club and played on the team, as well as performed the clarinet in the symphony and pep bands. She even assisted in one of the school plays, Hello Dolly, and was part of the ensemble. “The director of choreography had asked me why I didn’t join as a freshman. She said I was so talented and would have loved performing all throughout high school,” Habersham said.

But after graduation, Habersham knew she wanted to make drastic changes in college, even though it took some time and more courage. Her first semester as a freshman year at MSU, she joined MSDC, and was concerned about getting a job. “My mom gave me an allowance, but I knew that would only last for so long. I started as crossing guard on campus in December at the end of term,” Habersham said.

The Montclair State Dance Company. Habersham is located in the front row, from the left four people in.

The following spring semester, Habersham ran for Treasurer of MSDC, and she ended up winning, unopposed. “I really thought I would not get it, but I won and it gave me more confidence to keep trying new things,” Habersham said.

But getting to her current point of success was not easy. Sophomore year was the biggest challenge for Habersham. She had taken on 18 credits while still partaking in many activities, and taking on new responsibilities. “I had constant headaches and was not sleeping anymore. I would take walks around campus at 2 AM to calm my mind, but nothing worked.”

In middle of the semester, Habersham had an anxiety attack late one Thursday night in her room. Thankfully, her roommate, junior Sarah Sinen, is a certified EMT and was able to call 911. “She fell in front of our bathroom sink, shaking and crying, and complaining that her chest felt tight,” Sinen said.

When they arrived at the hospital, the current doctor on duty told Habersham her iron level was extremely low. “He said this was a sign of stress, and asked if I was doing too much this semester. He recommended I slow down,” said Habersham.

But she did not want to give up what she had accomplished so far, and kept on fighting. “When I told my Mom what happened the next day, she told me to cut back too…but I didn’t, and instead I joined a sorority.” Habersham realized her biggest obstacle was her lack of self-care. She had made more room in her schedule for herself, but was not utilizing it properly.

At the end of sophomore year, Habersham’s GPA had dropped to a 2.7, and it was a true “wakeup call” in her eyes. She had joined many clubs, but felt she was losing sight of the importance of school.

Habersham said she did some “soul searching” this past summer, and with the support of friends and family, she switched her major from film to psychology this semester to graduate on time. “This is my favorite year in college so far. I’ve got my life together and I am eating healthier,” says Habersham.

Adefemi Adigun, junior at MSU, is a fellow sister of Delta Xi Delta, Habersham’s roommate, and one of her biggest supporters. “I consider Desi as not only my best friend, but my sister. She makes me come out of my comfort zone, and attend events I would have done on my own.

After college, Habersham hopes to work in the hotel industry. “I love talking and being of service to people. I want work in an environment where I can be helpful and benefit others.” She also wants to gain a Master’s degree in the field of Business to help with her goal.

Next summer, Habersham will be volunteering in Cape Town, Africa for One Heart Source, where she will serve in their youth empowerment program, as a mentor for underprivileged children for two weeks in June of 2018. She feels this will help her gain more experience in aiding those around her.

Habersham and some of her sorority sisters after winning Greek Week last spring.



Francesca Mecionis
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State

Age: 23. Occupation: “Professional student” at MSU. Hobbies: Avid reader and gossiper who loves to cook and spend money in her spare time.