The Fire That Burns Within

Brynn McDonald
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
4 min readApr 25, 2017

Cancer. The word that has the power to devastate lives, families, and dreams; the two syllables that instill fear in people universally. “Cancer” was the only thing Vicki and Kevin Beirne heard as they stood in a hospital room with their nine-year-old daughter, Maddy. The girl that “came out ready for life,” was suddenly fighting the ultimate battle; one that no one could have predicted or controlled, no matter what they did.

The Beirnes will never forget the day they were told that their energetic, funny, caring little girl was diagnosed with cancer. They were stunned as they heard the doctor say the words “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.” Vicki Beirne describes the moment saying, “We were in shock. It’s easier to talk about and look back on now. Kevin and I took about a minute to be sad, then we went right into what we had to do.” The parents of two daughters and one son immediately went into survival mode, trying to process what they had just been told, and how they would give Maddy the best chance at beating the disease. They felt as if their little girl was suddenly at risk of being taken from them.

Something different was being ripped away from Maddy; her ability to play the game she loved: soccer. The fearless young athlete was told she could not do the one thing she wanted to do most. A member of a travel soccer team out of Manahawkin, NJ, Maddy was a tenacious player, who provided constant energy, skill, and a relentless work ethic. As chemotherapy began, Maddy stopped playing, and saw her dream of playing professional soccer turn into a sad fantasy.

Tara Reinecker, a close friend of the Beirnes and the advisor to athletes at Montclair State University, saw what Maddy and her family were going through and, hoping that a few letters could be sent back and forth, mentioned Maddy to MSU Women’s Soccer head coach, Patrick Naughter. The relationship and friendship that would blossom was unknown to all.

Reinecker says, “At first, I introduced Maddy to the MSU Women’s Soccer team to have some fellow soccer players support her through her tough road ahead. What happened was not just a few letters or texts or emails, Maddy became part of the team, part of the family. The team welcomed Maddy with open arms and the friendship between them all has been heart-warming. Maddy is an inspiration. Her spirit and fire for all she does, now helps to unite them all through soccer and a genuine friendship.”

Maddy tours the dorms (top left). Walking to team practice (top right). Maddy practices with the team (bottom). Credit: Vicki Beirne

Though unable to actually meet Maddy until halfway through the fall season, the team took Maddy in like a little sister, sending videos, cards, soccer gear, and personalized Montclair soccer jerseys. Maddy remembers the first time she was able to visit the team as one of the most exciting times of her life.

“Whenever I need cheering up, I know I can call them,” Maddy says of the team. The players feel no different.

Maddy is a constant pool of inspiration, love, support, and friendship they draw from. Freshman midfielder Ryelle Sansone says, “She just makes us excited to play. We’re playing for someone other than ourselves. Maddy is always the first to send us “good luck” videos before games, and whenever she visits she brings little gifts for the whole team. She always thinks of others before herself, and that’s something that, as a kid, is really hard to do.” Vicki Beirne describes the outpouring of support their family received as “…overwhelming in the best way. I just can’t get over how good people have been to us.”

Throughout the past two years, Maddy has practiced with the team, attended games, and become a truly integral part of the group. On October 24, 2016, Maddy was recognized as an honorary member of the team during the pre-game “senior night” ceremony. Vicki says, “Maddy has absolutely basked in the glory of being part of a college soccer team. (Patrick Naughter) holds a special place in my heart. He gives so much of himself and his heart to Maddy. He and the girls are truly amazing.”

Maddy and Pat Naughter on senior night (top). Maddy visits the team before they depart for the NCAA tournament (bottom).

Maddy has been in remission since last year, and was cleared last spring to return to the soccer pitch, once again working towards her goal of playing top-level soccer. Her mother says, “Maddy was ready to go for her first game back,” and with Naughter and numerous MSU players in attendance, she proved the ferocious spirit that defines her.

Senior captain and All-American, Erin Sullivan adds, “She has taught us to not take things for granted and that playing soccer is about more than just a sport. We play for others, for a greater good, and we fight for people like Maddy who motivate us through their everyday battles.”

She has continued to be an inspiration to the people who know her and senior forward Tyler Madison says, “She has made our program better. She had made us better. We are all so thankful and grateful that Maddy and the Beirnes are a part of our MSUWS family.”

As a member of MSUWS, I will say this to Maddy: Keep fighting, keep playing. We are behind you every step of the way.

