This is Us, this is change

Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
3 min readNov 7, 2017
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The fan-favorite drama had everyone ugly crying during its first season. Every episode was emotionally filled. Yet we were all hooked. Starting with the promo clip where Milo Ventimiglia showed off to the world his “perfect” buns and truthfully, we weren’t mad at it.

They brought the drama, we brought the tissues.

The second season is however taking a new turn. Not to say every episode doesn’t have its usual amount of emotions. Yes, there are still tear jerking moments but just not as many as before.

More importantly, the characters are revealing different sides of themselves.

Last season ended with Jack and Rebecca’s enviable relationship being in shambles. Jack, the family patriarch -played by Ventimiglia- who is known to bring the balancing factor in their relationship is struggling with an addiction. He is battling these demons from his past which are catching on. Also, this addiction which runs in his family is essentially the root of his estranged relationship with his father. This revelation about Jack is heartbreaking but also leaves a feeling of uneasiness. It seems to be answering in part the most asked question: How did Jack die?

But do we want to know? Maybe not yet. We are not ready to see the end of Jack. And unsurprisingly, the show seems to be thinking the same. They are taking their time to make the revelation. This is the story that drives the show.

This is us is really this is Jack.

But Jack isn’t the only one with changes in his life. The grown-up Pearson kids aka the Big Three are also entering new stages in their lives.

Kate has finally decided to do things for herself instead of only living to be Kevin’s twin sister/assistant/enabler. She is following her passion and we are here cheering her on. Of course, next to her number one fan, Toby. Kate is most certainly the character everyone wants to see succeed. And this season, the show seems to be veering off that way.

In other news, Randall has become Mr. Mom after quitting his job at the end of season one. And let’s just say things aren’t easy especially with the new “guest” in the house. And in true Randall form, he is desperately trying to be liked by this newcomer through a series of bad jokes. But then, this is one of the endearing things about him.

Kevin also known as Kate and Randall’s selfish and whiny twin brother is getting his break. In a twist, he may just ruin in. After getting injured on the set of his new movie, he turns to prescription drugs to numb his pain and feelings. This isn’t a shocker as Kevin is the one who always runs from his feelings. But the show must work harder at making him more lovable. As good as they are at making the other characters shine, the writers seem to leave Kevin in the back burner.

The roller coaster of emotions we have gotten used to is still present but this season is bringing new twists for each character. But don’t worry, the show is sticking to its original plan: a drama loaded with emotions.

