Kiara Bermudez
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
3 min readSep 27, 2016


Top Five Fall Movies

Of all the seasons, fall has its own personality. There is so much to think about when it comes to this brisker time of year, the era of large scarves and boots. But for the nights you’re not gathered by the bonfire or running through a hay maze, you may consider a more relaxed activity. Grab your hot cocoa and blanket to snuggle by the fire because here are five great fall flicks.

  1. When Harry Met Sally
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The ultimate tale of enemies turned friends turned lovers goes through 12 years of the “will they, won’t they?” struggle. Besides Meg Ryan’s Sally’s timeless looks (see above), this film explores and truly gets to the heart of what is the complicated male/female relationship, something that does not need to be discussed during any particular season.

2. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Photo Credit: ohmydisney

One huge staple of fall? HALLOWEEN! No movie reminds us more than the classic story of The Nightmare Before Christmas. From the unforgettable music to the animation to the story itself, this one has something for everyone and is perfect for your cozy night in. No wonder it’s still so beloved over 20 years later!

3. Love Actually

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While not technically a fall film, since its Christmas plot line takes place in the winter, there’s no denying the heartwarming (and in certain cases, heartbreaking) nature that Love Actually has. The insanely talented ensemble cast is only one of the reasons why you’ll catch yourself watching this one all year round.

4. Beetlejuice

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This Tim Burton directed fan-favorite isn’t the first you may think of when it comes to perfect fall movies. But with a story line and characters as wacky as its title, this one should not be overlooked. Even with Halloween over a month away, Beetlejuice should be one of this first on your list to prepare you for that scary awesome time of year.

5. Pretty much every football movie ever

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Okay, so we’re cheating a bit with this one here. Apart from the sport actually being played in the fall in real life, there must be a reason why football themed movies are such a hit during this time of year. Maybe it’s that display of teamwork and unity backed up by the changing season and spirit in the air that serve as proof that fall has officially been welcomed.

