“Critters” — Experimental Looping Composition

“dried bamboo sticks floats on water full of waterlily pods” by Sabine R on Unsplash

Another in an experimental iPad looping set. This one’s more of a trance-like reverie, entitled “Critters.” Prior to working this up as an iPad loop, I’d envisioned it as a never-ending repetitive progression, possibly realized on some bell-like instrument like a child’s piano. In any case, this loop was done on the iPad GarageBand app using the instruments: “Ethereal Rhythm,” “Whirly,” “Grand Piano,” “Hip Hop Drum Machine,” and the “Evolving Colors” synth. The public domain footage is from a 1952 short film called “Spring Comes to a Pond.”

Jim Dee is a prolific writer, developer, and multi-media creator from Portland. You can find him, his businesses, his books, and more at JPD3.com. Thanks for reading! Cat image here courtesy of Midjourney AI.

