Tales of the Midwest: Growing Up with Simon LeBon


Photo atop piece is adapted from “Duran Duran at the Apollo Theatre, NYC — #1” by Andreas Komodromos (Flickr, Creative Commons).

“So there they go, Jim running slower to stay with Will, Will running faster to stay with Jim, Jim breaking windows in a haunted house because Will’s along, Will breaking one window instead of none, because Jim’s watching. God, how we get our fingers in each other’s clay. That’s friendship, each playing the potter to see what shapes we can make of the other.”

~ Ray Bradbury in Something Wicked This Way Comes.

When coming up with celebrity pseudonyms for others in my life, I start with the basics: Does he or she resemble anyone famous? If it’s a striking likeness, I usually go with that. But then you also have to factor in personality, charisma (or lack thereof), and other intangibles. In the case of my best friend from age 12 to around age 15, I can’t come up with a better name for him than Simon LeBon (referring, of course to the lead singer from Duran Duran).

Later in this memoir, I’ll have a number of other stories involving someone I’ll call Alec Baldwin. Simon was Alec’s little brother. (In real life, they had the same last name, of…

