Hazel Anne Mendoza
Anne's Sanguine Corner
1 min readJul 19, 2018

The Lord picked each of us to form a family
A family that will accept His challenge humbly
The challenge to withstand whatever difficulty
To unite as one to serve Him faithfully

The first meeting seems like a magic
Every event turned very alive and scenic
Some are distant but most are energetic
Some are outgoing while others just mimic

As the day together passed by and went
The friendship flourishes through God’s intent
This connection and bond seems to be evident
Creating precious memories until one’s extent

Learning and growing together depicts prominence
The intangible intimacy illustrates a vital permanence
With a promise of warmth, sympathy, and benevolence
We soar to an extensive skyline in congruence

Being the thespian of our respective lives
We fumbled to our respective goal lines
Each career capacitate the ability to be up high
Neglecting not, the mission God clearly enquired.

