After Action Review Field Day 2020/II

Raphi (HB9ESX)
Tango Foxtrot Wireless Society (HB9TF)
3 min readNov 1, 2020


On the morning of September 5th 2020, a handful of courageous HB9TF radio amateurs assembled on Albispass for what was to become the second HB9TF field day of the year. Thanks to the outstanding local support from the resident farmer, whom we got to know on field day I/2020, the HB9TF crew got to enjoy a new, higher and more remote field day QTH.

Just as well as the QTH was the outstanding turn up for the field day: Deputy Technical Director Martin HB9GVM, Treasurer Roger HB3YWG, President Fabian HB3YWQ, AJ HB3YXM, Dominique HB3YCM, Peter, as well as Technical Director Raphi HB9ESX followed the call for an off grid weekend.

Land Rover Defender reconnaissance detachment taking the field with Lake Zug and the Alps in the background.

Contrary to past field days the operation was taking place completely off grid due to the lack of any useful infrastructure in close proximity to the QTH. The crew hence relied on power supplied from a GoalZero battery combined with the proven and simple HF setup with a Yaesu FT-991 connected to an inverted V antenna on a 12m Spiderbeam fiberglass pole.

Our two Land Rover Defenders ensured sufficient mobility at the QTH and provided the necessary protection from the elements, aside from the tarp that was and kept blowin’ in the wind. A couple of camping chairs, tables, one man tents and good old army “Wollendecken” completed the setup.

Treasurer HB3YWG (left) and technical director HB9ESX (right) setting up the portable inverted-V antenna for HF operations.

Late into the afternoon, HB9TF honorary president Florian HB3XPA / K8RWB dropped by for a spontaneous visit along with his family. Whilst he kept the crew busy with ice cream from the Jeep’s fridge, he managed to run a couple of QSOs on 20 meters.

Honorary president Florian HB3XPA/K8RWB running HF QSOs on 20m with a smiling president Fabian HB3YWQ watching and learning from the old man.

Next to all the activity on the amateur radio bands, the crew also found ample time to chat, catch up with each other and enjoy what nature had to offer at the new QTH, most notably a splendid sunset.

A splendid sunset featuring generation Instagram at work (influencers from left to right: HB3YWG, HB9ESX, HB3YXM)

Being off grid obviously also called for improvisation talent in the culinary department. The close by Grillplatz not only offered the necessary facilities to enjoy culinary awesomeness in the form of Cervelat, Bratwurst, red pepper, mushrooms, bread and salad, but also ensured a cozy atmosphere to talk shop about all things amateur radio.

“Ohne Mampf kein Kampf” low-tech culinary side action to keep the OMs going.

During the night the crew was surprised by relatively bad weather (i.e. rain and wind), which made things slightly uncomfortable for those hams without Defender nor tent. Finally, after a quick breakfast & some coffee, we decided to leave the QTH early as there was little activity on the bands and a lot of equipment to clean. All in all a superb field day at a new and amazing QTH. We’ll be back.

