A Sea of Red Blazers for Clark Atlanta’s New Honors Program Inductees

Clark Atlanta
HBCU Digest
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2017


ATLANTA (JAN. 25, 2017) — The Isabella T. Jenkins Honors and Scholars Program at Clark Atlanta University officially inducted 64 new scholars to the prestigious group. Scholars were presented with symbolic red blazers Saturday, Jan. 21 during the Academic Charge Ceremony, which featured all the pomp and circumstance you might expect from such an occasion. President Ronald A. Johnson and Provost and Vice President Peter Nwosu also imparted words of wisdom to them by reminding the group they are the face of CAU.

The added scholars boosted the total number of Honors and Scholars Program participants to 188.

Considered our best of the best, their majors span the gamut, including biology, pre-med, sociology, mass media arts, business and more. The program is led by Teri Platt, Ph.D., a faculty member in the Department of Political Science. One of Platt’s many responsibilities is nurturing new scholars like Linda Ransom.

“It meant a lot,” said Ransom, still beaming several days after receiving her red blazer. “It made me feel amazing to be a part of such a great program. It’s a lot to live up to, but I have no doubt I’ll be able to do it,” the freshman continued.

Some of the pre-requisites of membership to the Honors and Scholars Program include a 1000 SAT score or 26 on the ACT, a high school GPA of at least 3.25 and strong teacher recommendations which attest to the student’s character and intellectual ability.

The mission of the Honors and Scholars Program is to provide students with the ultimate learning experience while enrolled at CAU. Some of the goals of the program include to nurture and foster intellectual independence, encourage the pursuit of academic excellence and provide a challenging academic curriculum.



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