Introducing HCCxB

Neha Kumar
Human-Centered Computing Across Borders
2 min readMay 5, 2018

At CHI 2018, we organized our third HCI Across Borders symposium in a row. Comprised of a series of oral presentations and a poster session, it served as a great introduction to what the early career researchers in our area are up to, as each of them works towards crossing borders and building bridges, carving out their own distinct paths.

Exhilarating as this year’s symposium was, and mirroring others that came before it in this regard, it was also clear that there was more for us to learn from each other… and perhaps more frequently than once a year at CHI. This Medium publication then is an effort in this direction. As we uncover new ways to nurture a growing community, my hope is that this medium will keep us connected and informed of each other’s ongoing research, but also help us mature as a community through conversations that at once seek to engage and provoke.

Our current plan is to invite contributions from new and upcoming researchers doing human-centered computing across borders. “Human-centered” is a prefix that is fast becoming ubiquitous, reminding us perhaps of an erstwhile lack of human-centeredness in popular conceptualizations of design, data science, computing, among others. We wish to engage researchers who are committed to human-centered computing, and working across geographic, disciplinary, socioeconomic, epistemological, and other borders in this commitment. If you see yourself as one and would also like to contribute, do get in touch.

In coming months, we will add posts that review recent (and not so recent) publications in our areas of interest — ours and others’. We might also feel free to reflect on workshops and conferences, conversations that take place at these, or conversations that might be taking place there. And the rest is for us to figure out as time unfolds.

