Planning for HCIxB 2019

Neha Kumar
Human-Centered Computing Across Borders
2 min readOct 6, 2018

is underway, and we’d like to create a proposal for the symposium this year based on what people would like to see (as far as we can help it). I’ll jot down some thoughts here, based on verbal and written discussions (in person and on social media), and invite everyone else to contribute as well.

The SIGCHI EC has kindly agreed to make space for an HCIxB symposium, as in prior years, and we are at leisure to do what we’d like with this. High-level details that need to be ironed out include:

  • Will this be a 1-or-2 day affair on the weekend before CHI? Many people felt that 1-day was plenty last year. We could do 1-day plus a social event?
  • What format(s) would we like to include? Kurtis suggested the format from last year where we had multiple workshop-style research presentations and feedback sessions, as well as a poster session. Ishtiaque suggested doing a panel. Any other suggestions?
  • What research topics would we like to see discussed? Are there ways to cast a wider net and welcome more sub-parts of the CHI community? Can we look beyond geographic/national borders to include other kinds of borders? Which? And how?
  • What logistical issues might we like to see discussed? The question of which countries are represented here and which are not is one that was brought up by “HCII Nepal”. There were also concerns around how to make collaborations sustainable. Language was a critical issue raised by Nic. Others?
  • What deliverables might we ask interested participants to submit to participate? We could do the same as we did last year. Are there deliverables we should try to enforce for post-CHI? We have done that in prior years. Suggestions?
  • If you are interested in helping out with a specific task, please say so, and we will reach out to you accordingly. For example, if you would like to review submissions in a particular area, or if you would like to propose a panel at the symposium, please add in a comment.
  • Finally, if you have other thoughts you’d like to voice that haven’t found space here yet, please do share, and we will include them as best we can!
At CHI 2017 in Denver

