Blog Post 8

User Testing

Katlyn Edwards
1 min readMay 26, 2014

This week our team spent most of our efforts on user testing our interactive prototype. We completed four usability studies with full time employees at Children’s Hospital.

Our usability studies that we conducted lasted roughly half an hour and asked participants to walk through four different scenarios using our Axure interactive prototype. Francesca proctored our studies, Dian and Katlyn took notes, and Chris handled screen recording, and changing states on our prototype for various tasks.

Overall, the usability studies were immensely beneficial. It was incredibly interesting to see what people thought was intuitive versus unintuitive [for example the draggable time blocks when inputting your schedule], as well as pointing out the limitations of our prototype that we hadn’t realized [such as making it generic enough to handle all work shift periods such as swing shifts and night shifts].

Based on our findings we’re trying to make our last iteration on our prototype and really finalize and refine everything so we can have a solid working prototype for Luum.

We’re almost done!

