How to add a custom set of issue Labels to Gitlab CE

Paolo Mioni
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2019

If you’re using Gitlab CE internally in your company, and you’re making heavy use of its internal Issue tracking system:

  1. you might be unhappy with the default set of labels available for you Issues and Boards.
  2. you might want to create your own set of labels and apply the same set to several repositories, once you’ve standardized your internal workflow.

We were satisfying both conditions 1. and 2., so the valiant Fabio Savina, a member of our team at, decided to create a custom NPM script to help us in our plight. You can find it here:

It allows you to:

  • Create default labels for your projects, based on our choices
  • Create your own custom configuration with your own labels, colours, priorities etc. and use those
  • Add some of those labels to the default board for the project

How to use it:

  • install it on your machine with npm
  • follow the instructions in the file within the project

The code is not perfect and might not work with all versions of Gitlab CE, but at least that’s a start! If something isn’t working, or if you need a new feature, please file a bug report in Github Issues here.

The default list of labels we use are the following:

Default list of labels for Gitlab Issues

Thanks for your time, if there are any errors or if you have any suggestions let us know in the comments below!



Paolo Mioni

CTO and co-founder at HCE.IT: lover of front-end development, complex technical problems and noisy electric guitars.