Everyday Things

What I have identified

Tristan Carlo Dacuma
HCI (sy1415-1) | Everyday Things 
1 min readJun 11, 2014


  1. Easy and enjoyable to use:
My Android Smartphone

My Android smartphone as it is very versatile and its easy to use features enables me to get accustomed to it quickly

2. Bearable and not that easy to use

My iPhone….

My other mobile device my own iPhone, as I’m very accustomed to using an android smartphone it is quite difficult for me to this sudden change in OS

3. Difficult and such a pain

Our places BayanDSL router

I consider our place BayanDSL router as a difficult device because there are times when the internet connection is slow and has no internet access. Forcing me to access again my landlords admin account to forcefully restart the internet connection.

