Everyday Things

Mykell Vann
HCI (sy1415-1) | Everyday Things 
2 min readJun 10, 2014


Interactive digital product that is

a) easy and enjoyable to use

I consider my android phone easy and enjoyable to use because I can contact my family and friends, play music, play games and use other useful apps.

b) bearable, not that easy to use

My wireless mouse as bearable or not easy to use because it drains the battery faster that’s why I bought rechargeable batteries. It is a padless mouse but it is sensitive to rough surfaces.

c) difficult, such a pain!

My laptop with defective batteries which I have already removed. I find it difficult to use because when I am doing something and suddenly the electricity went off or I accidentally unplug the charger, I am having difficulties in retrieving what I am working.

Mykell Vann J. Barcia



Mykell Vann
HCI (sy1415-1) | Everyday Things 

People change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on.