Bad Design

Switching of Switch

Milo Pami
HCI (sy1415-1) | Bad Design


Anywhere we go, there are some noticeable and unusual things that we may encounter. Usually, we notice these things because of its appealing appearance or extraordinary functionalities. Though, there are also times that we noticed things because it has an unusual and bad design. Sometimes, we find it funny and weird but still we should find a way to avoid it.

I’ve been staying in a boarding house for almost four years now. In my first year of living in the house, I had a funny yet very embarrassing experience. It was late at night and I felt that I need to go to the cr. I was new in the house and my room was the farthest from the cr. I’m quite scared so I hurriedly went out of my room. Before entering the cr, I saw a switch.I was in hurry so I immediately press it thinking that it was the light switch for the cr since it is placed beside it. Then, I was totally shocked when the fire alarm started to ring. Everything was so sudden. At that time, I was really in trouble. It may cause a big disturbance to the others. Good thing that there were only few of us in the boarding house at that time. It was easy for me to apologize to them but still what has happened is something to be ashamed of.

As I started studying HCI, I realized that I am not the one to be blamed of what happened. The location of the alarm switch is so confusing. I think there is something wrong with the design. Why do I say so? It’s because I was not the only in the house who have experienced that. There are also times when some of the new, or even the old boarders got confused of the switch. Well, It was funny but thinking that what if one day there will be an emergency, the alarm rings and none of the boarders would mind it thinking that someone might just get confuse again of the switch. That would cause a trouble. The owner should do something about this. I think the Fire alarm should be placed far from the cr. Instead, it should be placed near the fire alarm. I think it should be fix as soon as possible so that no other boarders would commit the funny yet embarrassing mistake that some of us have already done.

