Me, Myself and I

Kiara Penaserada
3 min readJun 11, 2014

Ni hao!

My name is Anna Kiara L. Peñaserada. I am 19 years young. My friends closest to me call me La or Lala but almost everyone call me Aira, sometimes, Kiara. I have a Chinese name, “Peng an qi” which means “angel” (hehehe). My friends describe me as noisy, kind, very positive and a happy person. Well I guess I am. I always want to make people around me happy so I throw jokes and try to make them laugh as much as possible when I am with them. They also call me “Killjoy(KJ)” because I don’t often hangout with them. But believe me, I love traveling to different places. I like to be alone. Sometimes when I get tired of all the things happening to me, I go to church from different places alone to think and breathe. I would always love to stay at home. I seldomly go out. I would rather read a book at home or watch movies or Korean novelas than going out and doing nothing so sometimes, my friends misunderstand me. I am also a fan of forever and destiny. I love romantic stories and tragedy. I love reading books and writing my everyday stuffs. At random times, I write. I even wrote a story for wattpad but I didn’t publish it because I am afraid people won’t like it. I hate disappointments. That’s what I hate the most to feel. I also love horror movies though I am afraid of ghosts and monsters. That’s why I am in need of a dream catcher right now because I always have nightmares every night about ghosts looking at me while sleeping. I am a music lover, but I guess music doesn't like me. I can sing, but my voice isn't that pleasing to the ears. I have a very husky voice. I am a member of a band when I was in highschool. I am the bassist. The name of our band is Duders’ Band. I am a dreamer. I am a future-oriented person. I always want to daydream. My friends and I are all dreamers! And that’s my favorite pastime. TO DREAM.

I am feeling happy right now because I am sharing what I have inside me. I’d like to really do this everyday. Write my story and share my ideas through writing.

I anticipate to learn many things. I want to learn what are the do’s and don’ts for the designs of the software, what are the things to consider when doing so and what are the essential things needed to satisfy the users. I also would want to know people’s behaviors, the trends and many more. I want to be a good programmer, but I feel I can’t be one so I’m just trying my best to learn and practice these skills so that one day, I will be successful in this field.

