That Random Website


Barbe Pena
HCI (sy1415-1) | That Random Website
2 min readJun 30, 2014


subject 1:

So i asked my friend to browse this site. The name of the site which has ”burger” caught my attention, so i picked the most interesting subject for this the one who really loves food. his very first reaction when he entered the site was “whoa! laftrip ning kabayo padi! tapos pangaran garo jack ass! haha”. so i laugh when i heard that then asked him to proceed with it. then he was shocked with the sounds, graphics, and pictures of foods appearing on the screen. he said “astig! siram kani ay” then i said browse more. so he browse more, but nothing more that interest him except those food that he likes.

subject 2:

my second subject is also a friend, i asked him to enter the site i told him. and the very first reaction i get from him is that “ano man ni? boring! maguluhon basahun men!” i asked him to browse more. he said “iba na lang boring”. so i stop asking him to check it out more, the reaction i get was enough for me to conclude how boring the site is.

subject 3:

my third subject is a friend, so i asked him to enter the site. he said “1927 events? history padi… malaog na ako sa site”. then he started browsing at first he was fascinated with the designs, because he saw this nice picture of events. then he saw this book form fill up section “dae nako ma fill up browse ko lang pababa”. i said okay do as you want to do, until he finished the whole page. he said it was nice kinda interesting in some way.

