Some Experiment

By: Manolo V. Alvarez Jr.

Manolo Alvarez
HCI (sy1415-1) | That Random Website
3 min readJun 28, 2014


It was a task to conduct an experiment on how people would respond and react to a particular stimuli presented in a manner of browsing some random web sites which were further given.

Web sites are dynamic web pages which are linked together. Many elements such as audio, text and audio (visuals) are present in most web sites creating an optimum experience to many users.

Below are the respondents, their basic information and the result of the experiment.

Name: Doris Margarette Espiritu

Age: 21 years

Gender: Female


Venue: CS LAB

It was a love at first sight in the case of Ms. Espiritu. Upon opening of the web site, she exclaimed :

Wooow, ang ganda ng design!

Though the design in any web page creates the impression, she actually loved the transitions of the web page too. However as I observed, she wasn’t able to identify clearly what the web site is all about. It took a while to finally make things clear. Moments after playing with the interface, she thought how organized the information are placed in the site. Overall I, as the experimenter, can say that it was a smooth experience for Ms. Espiritu.

Name: Nerissa Manaois

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Venue: ADNU Library

Gusto ko ang font na ginamit…

The first line that was said by Ms. Manaois upon entering the web site. As I observed, the interface were intuitive enough that the respondent actually seem to know what and how to navigate the site. She continue to scroll down and above familiarizing the contents. I also see her pausing or slowing a bit in scrolling then said:

dae ko ‘gets ang connection kang pictures digdi.

Perhaps she cannot relate or is distracted by the images found in the site.

The same as my previous respondent, not recognizing what the web site is all about at first glance were the problem I saw. Overall I felt that my respondent felt bored and instantaneously left the web site after.

Name: Angieleen Delos Reyes

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Venue: ADNU Library

Simplihon man ang interface…

This was the impression that was made clear by Ms. Delos Reyes, my last respondent in this simple experiment. As I notice, she was distracted the way the web site was layed out. She said that the pane beside should have been at the center of the page, much that it feels awkward visually. She mentioned how the monochromatic design stood out and the content that is being presented. Overall I felt how dissatisfied she was and how things could have been if it attracted her in the first place.

