State-of-the-“art”: machine learning for graphics and UI designs

Yuexi (Tracy) Chen reflects on her 2022 HCIL Symposium tutorial on ML and design

A bite of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) symposium 2022

Before starting my summer internship at Adobe Research last year, I read several papers about machine learning for design. While neither of my intern projects focused on this, I found the research fascinating, so at the HCIL symposium 2022, I gave a 1-hour talk on the research progress of ML for graphics and UI design. Inspired by one of the attendees — Prof. Hal Daumé III’s Tweetstorm — I wrote this post to share a skimmable version of the talk.

Talk format:

Via an informal literature review of selected papers published at top-tier machine learning/human-computer interaction conferences/journals, I focus on two topics: “find design examples/inspirations” and “generate layout automatically.”

The symposium talk was hybrid: ~40 attendees joined the talk, and half joined virtually; some were designers or students in design-related majors. Thanks to Slido, I collected primary data about audiences’ preferences on features enabled by machine learning/data-driven methods.

Part 1: Find design examples/inspirations

Motivation: Designers routinely seek inspiration. Findings from a study with 24 UI/UX designers found that most searched keywords on Google, Behance, Pinterest, etc., and collected search results in different aspects: layout variations (N=22), font styles (N=14), color palettes (N=11).

Pain points:

U2-I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
  1. It’s difficult to find the right textual description to search for
  2. It’s time-consuming to find good examples
  3. Search results do not meet the design requirement

How can machine learning/data-driven methods help?

1.1 search by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) properties

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language decorating web content. Users can choose any part on a webpage and inspect information about font family/size, color, padding, etc. (Read about how to do it.)

Researchers downloaded 100k+ web pages and built a giant database. Users can search design examples in the database by CSS properties, e.g., font size, widget position, and global page layout. Here are some search results:

Search results for font size > 100px, Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web
Search results for the search bar in the middle of a page, Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web
Search results for global page layout, Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web

What attendees said:

One of the attendees expressed concerns about searching by CSS properties, as the same widget could be named differently across webpages (e.g., carousel vs. slider).

1.2 Search by descriptive words

Researchers have also mapped descriptive words with Document Object Model (DOM) and CSS properties. Users can type descriptive words directly; after translation, the search engine will retrieve results based on the definition of CSS properties.

Examples of supported descriptive words in d.tour: Style-based Exploration of Design Example Galleries

What attendees said:

Attendees shared common keywords they use; examples from designers in attendance included:






1.3 Retrieve images by visual properties

In the pre-deep-learning era, retrieving similar images by visual properties achieved reasonably good results. For example, by combining color histogram and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), researchers have found stylistically similar infographics.

Learning Style Similarity for Searching Infographics

1.4 Retrieve images by image embeddings

Neural network-based methods allow users to search for similar UIs by high-fidelity screenshots, wireframes, sketches, and even partial sketches.

Search similar UI designs by high-fidelity screenshots. (VINS: Visual Search for Mobile User Interface Design)
Search similar UI designs by wireframes. (VINS: Visual Search for Mobile User Interface Design)
Search similar UI designs by sketches. Swire: Sketch-based User Interface Retrieval
Search similar UI designs by partial sketches. (Adapted from PSDoodle: Fast App Screen Search via Partial Screen Doodle)

Although the above methods take different inputs, they adopt the same approach: learning image embeddings (a low-dimensional vector representation) and performing nearest neighbor searches.

An illustration of embedding space of UIs (adapted from Swire: Sketch-based User Interface Retrieval)

1.5 Retrieve images by chatbots

Chatbots could help users find design examples in a database via conversations.

An example chatbot that helps users retrieve UI examples (Conversations with GUIs)

Attendees’ preferred methods:

23 attendees voted for their preferred methods to find design examples/inspirations (note: multiple selections were allowed; see figure below). Searching by wireframes was the most popular (65%), followed by high-fidelity screenshots (57%), while searching by chatbot (26%) and stylistic keywords (22%) were less popular. This is likely because designers found keyword-based search results to be too broad.

23 attendees voted for their preferred methods to find design examples/inspirations

Part 2: Generate layout automatically

Motivation: When seeking inspiration, most designers (22 out of 24) collect layout-related examples. If machine learning could automate the layout creation process, that would be a great time saver. Below I discuss options for doing this.

2.1 Generate layout based on constraints

Scout (demo video) generates feasible layouts given constraints specified by users. Constraints could be non-overlapping, minimal sizes, alignment, visual hierarchy (paddings within groups), emphasis (can’t decrease the size of an important element), etc.

Scout: Rapid Exploration of Interface Layout Alternatives through High-Level Design Constraints

What attendees said:

Designers shared typical constraints they encountered, including:

information hierarchy

branding requirements

headers and footers

2.2 Generate layout based on “energies” (design guidelines)

DesignScape (demo video) generates layouts by minimizing design guideline violations (“energies”). Design guideline violations include alignment violations, balance violations, overlap, etc.

Left: random layout; right: after minimizing design guideline violations. DesignScape: Design with Interactive Layout Suggestions
Automatic Generation of Visual-Textual Presentation Layout

2.3 Generate layout based on keywords/categories

Researchers have trained Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to generate magazine layouts based on images, text, and magazine categories. Below are different magazine layouts generated for the same image but with different keywords.

Content-aware generative modeling of graphic design layouts

2.4 Generate layout based on spatial relations

Researchers have also modeled spatial relations among objects like graphs and trained Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) to generate designs satisfying such relations.

Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints

2.5 Generate layout with background and embellishments

Most ML methods generate layouts using only given assets. A prototype called Vinci could suggest background and embellishments (demo video). Vinci views the design process as linear design sequences and leverages a sequence-to-sequence Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to select background and embellishments.

Adapted from Vinci: An Intelligent Graphic Design System for Generating Advertising Posters
An example of the design sequence

Attendees choice:

21 attendees voted for their favorite layout generation methods. Vinci garnered the most votes (62%), followed by spatial relations (48%). Full results are below.

21 attendees voted for their favorite layout generation methods


  1. Some important ML techniques don’t lead to popular features, e.g., search design examples by chatbots.
  2. The same ML component could lead to features with varied popularity, e.g., searching by wireframe is more popular than searching by high-fidelity/sketches.
  3. Designers are eager to adopt such techniques! One designer even asked whether it’s possible to download one of the “tools.” Unfortunately, it’s only research code: no server, no front-end 🤷‍♀

Further reading:

Some papers don’t fall into the above two topics but are still interesting to read:



Yuexi (Tracy) Chen
Sparks of Innovation: Stories from the HCIL

Computer science PhD student@Univ of Maryland, working on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)