Cell-targeted food technology to tackle malnutrition

HCo The Magazine
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017

Mannatech uses glyconutrition technology to create specialised food products for improved cell-to-cell communication and nutritional balance. Helena Berndtson is looking to partner with social entrepreneurs in India to establish their aid programme for children.

Helena Berndtson
Social Entrepreneur — Independent Associate, Mannatech
Laholm, Sweden

Roles: Consulting, Commercialisation

My supporter journey: A ruptured aneurysm that caused permanent injuries such as visual impairment and lasting brain fatigue meant a long leave of absence for me. I found social entrepreneurship as an adaptable way to work and an opportunity to help others, both in treatment and in prevention. I joined Mannatech that creates food products that provide targeted nourishment to the body’s cells with specialised plant-derived ingredients — a technology we term ‘glyconutrition’.

Declining food quality and increasing global poverty is resulting in malnutrition-related deaths in children every year. Keeping this in mind, the company has started a foundation called Mission 5 Million (M5M) to aid malnourished children globally. The governments of some countries like Australia have seen the positive changes in children under the M5M programme and initiated it in public schools as well.

The M5M Foundation has partnered with many countries, including India, but we are looking to establish a permanent presence for the programme in India and other Asian countries. The long-term vision is to stabilise the programme in all countries with validated work, and have the governments realize the importance of public health related to nutrition and the quality of food.

My other long-term vision is to integrate the same system we see in M5M with the care of our elderly in Sweden. More than 15% of our elderly population is malnourished and nearly 50% is in the danger zone. Prolonged life with chemicals that doesn’t improve life quality, doesn’t cure or alleviate pain, is to me, cruel and I’ve seen too many end their lives this way during my work at a residential home.

My HealthCode journey: I am new at HCo and have only started reaching out to other entrepreneurs. I have finally found a forum where everyone is interested in health, and even though the fields may vary, we all wish to help people and prevent the decline of human health. I want to connect with social entrepreneurs in India interested in public health to partner with me as my associates on a local as well as a global scale. Only together will this work. We have the science, 128 global patents and products based on real food technology. While the foundation doubled in size in 2016, but we need more people to get involved and make a difference.

This is not an employment offer but an opportunity to build something of our own. Many of us have other jobs, which is well because it is meant to be something one can build on the side of a regular employment, or, if possible, integrate it with one’s work. Regardless, it is an opportunity that will help countless children, if one wants to commit to this cause.

Connect @ HealthCode.io: Interested in Helena’ work? Initiate a conversation on the HealthCode.io app!

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