Democratising healthcare with a personal diagnostic imaging device
HCo The Magazine
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2017

Scanbo is a preliminary diagnostic tool that measures 12 key health vitals and enables remote monitoring of health for anyone, anywhere. Founder, Ashissh Raichura is looking for support in the form of distribution, marketing and funding to help promote the product in India and abroad.

Ashissh Raichura
Founder, Scanbo
Mumbai, India

Impact Area(s): Monitoring Vitals & Diet in Healthy Individuals;
Medical Devices, Materials, Robotics in Primary Care
Role(s): Commercialisation, Fundraising
Stage: Pre-launch

My innovation journey: The idea for Scanbo germinated as a result of a personally experienced need for an easy-to-use diagnostic tool for monitoring health vitals of my ailing father. Alzheimer’s disease affected his sensory abilities, impacting the steadiness required to draw samples with needles and other equipment. This led me towards a mission to build a compact, lightweight and cost-effective external medical device that eliminates the multiple steps involved in diagnostic testing, from visiting a clinic and providing samples to waiting for results.

The Scanbo device connects to a mobile app and allows users to record, monitor and maintain 12 key health vitals, which they can share with their healthcare providers for necessary action. We believe our solution is a game changer — by placing the power of diagnostic imaging in the hands of the people, it is a step towards democratising healthcare. We further plan to set up health monitoring centres where a team of specialist doctors will monitor the users’ vitals and alert them or their GP to take action. Our technology can be used in the emergency department, at home or on the go.

Further, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) report states that 700 million people live in 636,000 Indian villages and the majority succumb to curable and preventable diseases like diarrhoea and typhoid. In rural India, at least 66% of Indians lack access to diagnostics and 31% of the population travels over 30 km to seek healthcare. Our investigational device for preliminary diagnostics enables remote monitoring of health for anyone, anywhere. Our efforts are focussed towards making shift from ‘sick’ care to ‘health’ care.

My HealthCode journey: We plan to launch the product in the market around mid-May, initially introducing it to doctors in tier-3 and tier-4 cities before taking it to our consumers. We plan to bring 5000–10,000 devices to the market in the next 3–6 months. We are looking for distributors and marketers to help promote our product in India and abroad and also seek funding to meet these goals. HealthCode is a great platform for connecting with like-minded people. I have made a few initial connections and hope to develop more.

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