Let us re-innovate healthcare delivery from ‘service’ to ‘value’

HCo The Magazine
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2017

Compass Medical is a multi-specialty healthcare organisation on a mission to redesign care delivery with digital and data-driven practices towards reduced cost and improved experiences. Dr Dhrumil Shah looks connect with entrepreneurs to address specific global and regional health challenges.

Dhrumil Shah
CMIO, Compass Medical
Boston, United States

Impact areas: Big Data & Analytics;
Population & Public Health Management
Roles: Co-Creation, Consulting
Stage: Pre-launch

My innovation journey: ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step.’ My journey to health innovation probably started in childhood when my father, a family physician in India, worked passionately to improve the wellbeing of individuals and their families he cared for. I used to observe and learn from him. I now practice family medicine in the US and work as the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) for my organisation, Compass Medical. I have been privileged to be part of many collective milestones within the communities and groups that support me and my desire to innovate.

In my current role, we are on a mission to redesign care delivery with reduced cost and improved outcomes and experiences. So far, we have close to 50% of our primary care population engaged on digital platforms like the eClinicalWorks patient portal and the Healow mobile application platform. These platforms facilitate bidirectional communication and engagement for awareness programmes for flu season, annual wellness visit, cancer screening, etc., while also enabling patients to request prescription refills, look up records, request for medical advice, etc.

A data-driven approach and use of data science to converge population health and point-of-care delivery models have significantly reduced chronic disease burden, as shown by higher quality scores for the diabetic and cardiac patient population. We have achieved significant percentile improvements in patient experience over the last 3 years by engaging care teams and reducing provider burnout.

Our immediate goals include redesigning the care delivery model, reducing cost and shifting from ‘fee-for-service’ to ‘fee-for-value’ while focusing on an individual’s health goals and values. By working with specific at-risk patient profiles and improving quality outcomes, we can reduce hospitalisations and move care to where patients are, in their homes and their communities. Examples include improving pneumococcal vaccination rate to reduce pneumonia admissions and managing elective procedures like knee replacement at high-quality, low-cost facilities.

Long-term goals involve creating an ecosystem of innovators and entrepreneurs who continue to advance and improve physician and patient experience and build value over time. Reducing the total cost of care and reaching beyond your current boundaries to impact global health would the ultimate goal.

My HealthCode journey: I have just joined this community and still exploring new relationships and value propositions. I hope to share some great stories as collaborations develop. I am looking to work with like-minded start-ups and entrepreneurs with a passion to solve specific issues faced by the healthcare industry globally or region-wise. Provide an opportunity for regional and international entities to collaborate on the same mission that we strive to achieve.

Connect @ HealthCode.io: Interested in Dr Dhrumil’s work? Initiate a conversation on the HealthCode.io app!

Have a story to share? Write to us at hello@healthcode.io.



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