Introducing Yo?yo.

Adam Park
HCS Builders Incubation Program
2 min readJun 20, 2020

What are you working on this summer?

We’re working on Yo.Yo., a social network-based task app. We’ll be building the app mostly for college students, and will be trying to make it as free-form as possible. We’re hoping to normalize asking for help while moving away from products that encourage transactional relationships.

Our Team

David Carey (left), Adam Park (right)

David Carey

David is a rising junior studying Statistics/Data Science with a passion for solving interesting problems and finding ways to cater tech toward fulfilling everyday problems/desires. On campus, he participates in HFAC and plays for the men’s club rugby team. With a background more geared toward data science/analytics, David is excited to branch out and dive deep into mobile app development in the coming months. His favorite quarantine activities include playing with his new puppy and keeping his couch company.

Adam Park

Adam is a rising junior at Harvard College studying philosophy. He is very interested in keeping watch over the ways technology and social media impact the ways that people live. At college, he devotes most of his spare time to ultimate frisbee and exploring the campus. While he is much more of a humanities guy, spending more time with a book than a computer, he is very excited to work on this project and take a first step into the tech startup world.

What are your goals for this project this summer?

We hope that by the end of this summer we are:

  1. Ready to roll. We want to have a product ready to roll out for the fall(?) semester. COVID-19 has meant that we will have difficulty testing our MVP during this summer, so we are focusing on making an app that is as flexible as possible for now.
  2. Connected with peers. We intend to roll out our initial product to groups at multiple campuses initially, so throughout the summer we will be introducing our app to peers at various colleges and bringing some on board.
  3. Moving forward. By the end of the summer we aim to be discussing plans with potential partners for a coordinated marketing effort and scaling, whether this means securing funding or partnering with organizations.

If you are interested in learning more about our project, please reach out to

