Toppings! Free delivery for and from the community

Praneet Kedari
HCS Builders Incubation Program
3 min readJun 15, 2020

What are you working on this Summer?

This summer, we are working on an app that allows people to get delivery for free: Toppings! With a unique community and social networking focused approach to delivery, Toppings puts to use the excess capacity of friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors when they are already out and shopping/eating and allows them to bring items to you. The best part, when you’re out and about and want to help your community out, you can put on your delivery hat and receive both store credit and bragging rights. We can’t wait to share Toppings with all of you and build this community together!

While the idea was originally targeted towards college students, we could not help but notice the uses of such a delivery system in a COVID 19 world where calling delivery is essential rather than luxury for the elderly and immunocompromised.

The Team

Praneet and doggo
Raymond and his brother Chris

Praneet Kedari

Praneet is a rising second year studying computer science at Georgia Tech with a passion for prominent cutting edge technologies such as machine learning and quantum computing. On campus he’s involved with Georgia Tech Startup Exchange and the Georgia Tech’s events council. Outside of campus, Praneet spends time helping facilitate pitch events and entrepreneurial speaker events amongst Atlanta professionals. Praneet has experience working at early stage startups and is excited to be a first time founder this summer. In his free time, Praneet enjoys reading and listening to podcasts. He is also an avid NBA fan (Lakers in 4). Also loves dogs.

Raymond Qin

Raymond Qin is a rising second year studying Applied Math with a specialization in Economics and Computer Science (maybe?) with a passion for touching the ceiling (literally). On campus, Raymond is the COO of Global Research and Consulting Group’s Global Management Team and is the Operations Manager at HSA CDE. Raymond has experience working for a really weird splash of organizations including Forbes, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and Education for Employment. In his free time, Raymond likes to talk to himself and draining baskets on the basketball court. He is also an avid NBA fan (Hawks in 4…years)

Our goals for the summer

  1. Product. A prototype product that is actively solving problems in the community as we continue to build up to the formal launch on college campuses in the fall. By the end of the summer, we hope Toppings will have the core functionalities of connection, notification, and incentives. Helping people should be rewarded, and we hope to do just that through our base product. Working product actively working to improve delivery in the community.
  2. Experience. Both new to the startup scene, we really hope for this experience to be one full of, well, experiences. Whether it be through the wonderful mentors, the great community of entrepreneurs and builders, or even through the inevitable obstacles and pitfalls along the way, we hope to absorb and internalize moments into knowledge. Any and all interactions are integral to instruction.
  3. Friends: WE LOVE NEW FRIENDS :)

If you’re interested in the idea, want to partner with us, or just want to be friends reach out to us at or

